Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 477 Abnormal Bidding

Chapter 477 Abnormal Bidding
The auctioneer picked up the mahogany card and put on a slightly mysterious tone, "Everyone, this is an object from a mysterious tribe in Africa. It seems to be made of mahogany, but it cannot be detected by modern technology. Its age, there are mysterious symbols on it, and there should be a mysterious and ancient story behind it, if you like it, please bid, the starting price is [-], and the price will increase for every [-]!"

Everyone looked at the mahogany card and felt a little familiar, but they couldn't remember where they saw it, except Luo Yingjin.

Luo Yingjin has been paying close attention to Yang Zimei, including the pendant around her neck, because it really does not match her attire.

He turned to look at Yang Zimei's neck.

Sure enough, around her neck was the same mahogany plaque, and the red string she was wearing was tied in exactly the same knot.

The dark peach wood plaque seemed to exude some mysterious light on her delicate, fair and slender neck.

Looking at her expression again, she was surprised and excited.

Could it be that this mahogany card has another mystery?
Luo Yingjin became interested, and when everyone was still wondering whether he should make an auction, he directly raised his placard to ask for the price, "50!"


His way of raising the bid by five times for the first time made everyone present scream in surprise, wondering why he bid like this.

Luo Yingjin has his own ideas.

The price increase of [-] to [-] is too troublesome, and it is easy to cause other people to follow suit, because the psychological pressure of adding [-] is not great, but if it is doubled all at once, it will increase the psychological pressure of others , so that others do not want to go crazy and compete.

"51." Yang Zimei raised his placard to bid.

No matter what, she wanted to get back this mahogany card, it was Long Zhutian's amulet.

If you miss it this time, you don’t know when you will meet again next time.

Luo Yingjin glanced at her, and bid again, "100 million!"

Yang Zimei was so angry that she wanted to lift the table.

What kind of trouble does Luo Yingjin want to make?

Yang Zimei looked at Song Xuan asking for help, "Mr. Song, lend me the money, and I'll give you the antique when I get home."

Song Xuan nodded, "Okay."

"One million and one million." Yang Zimei raised the price feebly. She is not a wealthy rich man. She is poor and cannot squander money.

Luo Yingjin smiled slyly at her, and continued to raise the sign, "200 million!"


Everyone present looked at Luo Yingjin as if they were monsters. They couldn't figure out why he bought that mahogany card with such a large sum of money. Could it be that the wooden card had another secret?
Huo Wenhua at the side also noticed the mahogany plaque on Yang Zimei's neck.

"Miss Yang, you can bid, but if you don't have enough money, I'll lend you!" Huo Wenhua is worthy of being an old fox who has been in the mall for decades, and has a first-rate ability to read people's hearts.

Yang Zimei looked at him gratefully.

Originally, she didn't want to owe others more favors.

But she must get this mahogany card!
The auctioneer's heart trembled at the auction table. At first, she thought that the bid for that mahogany cardboard could reach 30 yuan at most, but she didn't expect it to reach 200 million yuan.

"200 million, once!" She exclaimed excitedly, "Is there anyone else who offers a higher price?"

Thinking of Huo Wenhua's powerful backing, Yang Zimei didn't bother to think about it anymore, and directly raised a sign and shouted: "300 million!"

Surprised cries came from behind, and many people began to suspect that the mahogany card was unusual, otherwise, they would not bid in this abnormal way of bidding.

[The last update today, Xixi will be out for two days tomorrow, the update may not be normal, please forgive me. 】

(End of this chapter)

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