Chapter 479

Hearing everyone's contemptuous comments, Li Mei's face turned red, she paused, and said to the auctioneer, "I won't go back on my word!"

The auctioneer raised a smile and continued to tap the small hammer, "100 million..."

Before she could finish speaking, she thought of an extremely pleasant male voice that sounded like a voice from nature, "2000 million!"

Everyone looked back.

Hearing such a familiar voice, Yang Zimei also turned her head.

"Sister, it's that guy from Xuehu!" Xiaoqian exclaimed excitedly.

I saw that evildoer in Xuehu was actually wearing a royal blue suit, lined with a white silk shirt, and his long hair turned into broken hair. Standing casually behind, he became a dazzling source of focus.

No matter men, women, young or old, when they saw him, they were all attracted by his majestic appearance that turned all living beings upside down, and they secretly admired him.

The always calm auctioneer Liu Qingqing was startled, staring at the snow lake in a daze.

After realizing it, she hastily knocked down the small hammer in her hand, her voice was excited and gentle, "2000 million! Is there any higher one?"

Seeing that someone finally lowered her price, Li Mei breathed a sigh of relief.

No one responded.

"2000 million, once."

"2000 million, twice."

"If no one bids, then this mahogany plaque will belong to that gentleman." The auctioneer incited.

Still no one said anything.

Everyone's eyes were completely attracted by Snow Lake. As for the mahogany plaque on the auction table, it didn't matter what it was.

"2000 million, three times!"

The auctioneer hit the hammer hard, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, sir, you have won this bidding, please pay."

Xuehu walked towards the front seat with his slender legs from behind.

Wherever he walked, it was like a lotus flower growing from his feet, causing the people beside him to be confused and dizzy for a while, and couldn't help holding their breath, as if speaking louder would disturb him.

Xuehu walked directly to the auction stage, took out a handful of diamonds from his pocket, put them on the table, looked at the auctioneer and said, "Sorry, I don't have cash, I only have these diamonds, can they be replaced?"

Everyone looked at the handful of diamonds on the table in amazement, and counted them, there were ten of them, each of which was at least a hundred carats, worth at least 500 million or more.

Looking at the pair of shining diamonds in front of him, the auctioneer was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth.

Strange things happen every time in the auction house, but this time there are a lot of strange things, and it is even more unheard of to take out a handful of diamonds for cash.

After all, he is an auctioneer with rich on-site experience.

She quickly adjusted her surprised mood, and said with a light smile: "Sir, please wait a moment, I have to consult our boss first."

"it is good!"

Xuehu nodded slightly, then turned around and smiled at Yang Zi with narrowed eyes.

He smiled, making everyone present dizzy for a while.

Many people once thought that the so-called "smiles that captivate the city with a smile, and then the country with a smile" in the poems are very exaggerated. It is impossible for any beauty in this world to be able to smile so captivatingly.

But when I saw Xuehu's smile just now, the word "overwhelming country and city" came to mind in unison among all the people present.

The auctioneer came down and asked for Huo Wenhua's opinion.

"your friend?"

Huo Wenhua turned to ask Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei nodded.

"Invite a jewelry appraiser to verify the authenticity of the diamond, and auction the diamond on the spot." Huo Wenhua said.

"Yes, Mr. Huo."

(End of this chapter)

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