Chapter 650 Three Days (2)

Yang Zimei found out that she hadn't seen her for just a few hours, and her mother looked haggard and thinner, and her temples were even stained with white hair.

She looked up at the wall calendar next to her. It was May 5th, and she asked suspiciously, "Mom, isn't today May 20th? Brother tore up the calendar again?"


Huang Xiuli looked at her in horror, "You child, why are you confused? Today is the 20th. Where have you been these three days? How did you forget the time?"

"20th? Three days? Mom, you said I disappeared for three days after the bakery was smashed?"

Yang Zimei asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, Niuniu, what's the matter with you? Are you sick?"

Huang Xiuli reached out and touched her forehead, and found that she didn't have a fever, she was slightly relieved, "Where did you go?"

Yang Zimei didn't expect that she seemed to be stuck in that alley for an hour or two, how could it be three days?
She took out her mobile phone and looked. The time displayed on the mobile phone was indeed the 20th. There were still several unread text messages. When she opened it, she found that it was all from her father.

She wondered, if she stayed inside for a day, would it be a year outside?

She called Yang Qing and told him that she was back and there was no need to look for her.

Yang Qing hurried back from outside.

Yang Zimei found that her father seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and his face looked dusty.

Because of my sudden disappearance, my parents were worried about being like this, and I felt guilty.

Yang Qing didn't question her, but said with relief, "It's good to be back."

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, even if one day I suddenly disappear, it's because I went to some special place and I can't come back, but it will be fine, don't worry about me in the future, okay?"

Yang Zi looked at his parents with tears in his eyes and said.

"Niu Niu, you are our daughter, you disappeared suddenly, how can we not be worried?"

Huang Xiuli touched her cheek and said, "You must not have eaten well in the past three days, your face has turned blue, and dark circles have also appeared."

"I've eaten, but I'm a little tired from doing some things."

Yang Zimei knew that the people who really didn't eat well were their parents, otherwise, they wouldn't lose several catties within three days.

"Niu Niu, what happened last time when the urban management and the police came to smash your mother's bakery? Later, the chief of the police and the chief of the urban management bureau came to apologize to us in person and bear all the losses."

Yang Qing asked.

"Well, it was to trouble me at first, it had nothing to do with the bakery, now it's resolved, mom, you don't have to worry."

Yang Zimei didn't know whether the director's apology and compensation were the result of Li Sheng's fear or Luo Yinghao's.

After having dinner at home, he bid farewell to his parents and went downstairs, and called Luo Yinghao by the way.

"I said Master, where have you been all of a sudden these three days?"

As soon as Luo Yinghao heard her call, "I searched almost the whole city, and the last person who saw you was Huang De'an. He said that you showed his house Feng Shui and then left. I almost told your apprentice .”

"After coming out of Uncle Huang's house, I walked into an alley, and then walked into a magical space strangely. It looked like a ghost hitting a wall, but I couldn't get out no matter what."

Regarding Luo Yinghao, Yang Zimei had nothing to hide and told him what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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