Chapter 658

A young woman who was about 20 years old, with long hair curling like wheat waves and a golden shawl, her skin was as white as jade, her pupils were blue, and her facial features were exquisite and beautiful as if carved by a jade carving master with the most exquisite craftsmanship, walked in.

She was wearing a light tulle skirt, and she had a graceful figure with an excellent golden ratio, which was enough to arouse the deepest desire of any man.

However, her demeanor and temperament gave people a sense of holiness, white and fragrant, just like the saint standing on the high altar.

People can only watch from a distance, but not play with it!


Arnold hurriedly put his hands on his chest, bowed his head and bowed in greeting.

"Yeah." Man Leisha nodded slightly, and looked at Long Zhutian with blue eyes like lake water.

"Brother Zhutian——"

Her voice was beautiful, crisp and sweet, as if it came from heaven, and A Nuo, who was on the side, felt heartbroken when she heard it.


Long Zhutian's indifference and rigidity showed a slight softness, "Why are you here?"

"Brother Zhutian——"

Man Leisha stepped forward quickly, took Long Zhutian's shoulder, put her face on his shoulder, and pouted her cherry red mouth coquettishly, "Why can't people come to see you? You haven't come back for so long , and refused to see other people when I came back, I hated it to death."

Long Zhutian's thin lips slightly pulled into a smile, trying to shake off Man Leisha's hand.

However, she clung tightly to his arm like a snake, her whole body was clinging to him, refusing to let go.


Long Zhutian said helplessly, "You have grown up, why are you still so tired of your brother like you were when you were a child?"

"So what if someone grows up? Aren't you brother Zhutian?"

Teresa still didn't let go, her blue eyes were shining brightly, and she asked softly, "Brother Zhutian, tomorrow is Man Resa's birthday, what gift do you want to give Teresa?"

"Teresa has everything, what more gift do you want?"

Long Zhutian said lightly.

"But Teresa just wants a gift from Brother Zhutian, or—"

Teresa blinked her blue eyes, "Teresa knows that Brother Zhutian doesn't have time to prepare presents, so I didn't ask for any gifts, and I just want my brother to be Teresa's dance partner tomorrow night, okay?"

"not good."

Long Zhutian refused bluntly, "You know, I don't like dancing, and I don't like places with many people."

"Brother Zhutian——"

Teresa's face was full of grievances, and tears welled up in her blue eyes, "Can't you feel wronged for Teresa? She just wants to dance with you."


Long Zhutian pulled away her hand that was holding her arm tightly, and her tone was still firm, "I can't."

"Brother Zhutian, you are too much, don't you like Teresa?" Teresa shouted angrily when she saw him pull her arm away and keep a certain distance coldly.

"You are my sister, of course I like it."

Long Zhutian's tone became even more indifferent.

"I don't want you to treat me like a younger sister. Brother Zhutian, I'm already 20 years old. Can't you treat me like a woman?"

Teresa's fair face flushed with irritation.

"Even if Teresa is 80 years old, she is still my sister."

Long Zhutian replied, turned to A Nuo and said, "Book me a ticket now, I'll be back when I go."

"Can you come back tomorrow?"

Arnold stopped still and asked.

"Maybe." Long Zhutian could not leave Yang Zimei behind, nor could he leave the life and death of his subordinates here.

But no matter what, he had to go back and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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