Chapter 678 Chilling (4)

For the second uncle, Yang Zimei was still grateful. He was beaten and scolded by his wife a lot for himself that day, but he never said to let her go.

What she doesn't like is only the mean and stingy second aunt.

Seeing that her mother insisted on going, she had no choice but to accompany her to have a look, and then survey the terrain, so as not to cause her mother to faint from the stimulation of the second aunt.

Huang Xiuli returned to Huang Yingqi's house and asked Yang Zimei to carry the gift prepared for her second brother's family.

The gifts were some new clothes and supplements, and four red envelopes of 1000 yuan each were prepared for their children.

Yang Zimei didn't say anything, after all, it was all mother's wish.

She is full of resentment towards her second aunt, but this emotion has nothing to do with her mother.

Yang Zimei asked Zhenzi to stay at Huang Yingqi's house, and brought gifts to her second uncle's house.

Unexpectedly, his house was still the few low tile-roofed houses before.

The rest of the people in the village have already lived in high-rise buildings. Why is their family still so poor?

However, when I think of my second aunt's temperament, it is only natural that I continue to be poor like this.

The second aunt is mean and greedy for petty gains. When interacting with people, she always tries to take advantage of others.

The second uncle Huang Qiang is cowardly and always listens to her everywhere, so no one wants to associate with him.

Popularity determines wealth.

This kind of person who refuses to suffer any loss and has no popularity, decides that he has no wealth, and is destined to be poor all his life.

Before approaching their house, I heard the second aunt's screaming and cursing from the house. It's useless to scold the second uncle for a while. She married him only because she was blind, which made her poor and unable to hold her head up in front of people. Come on, it's useless to call her child stupid and lazy all the time...

Hearing these familiar shouts, Yang Zimei couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, everything is in harmony at home. If a house is noisy all day long, it will scare away the God of Wealth and dispel the wealth.

The second aunt blamed the second uncle all day long for being useless, but she didn't know that the biggest reason was her, she was the one who made the family run down.

Walking to the door, Huang Xiuli's footsteps hesitated and paused, her face showing timidity.

Just now, her heart was shattered by her elder brother and sister-in-law. Now, she is really afraid of being hit again.

Yang Zimei reached out to hold her hand, conveying vitality to her to calm her mind, and comforted her: "Mom, Second Aunt is just like that. When she says something later, just pretend you didn't hear her."

"Well, the second brother is a good person, but after marrying the second sister-in-law, he changed."

Huang Xiuli sighed, took a deep breath, walked to the bamboo fence at the door, and called loudly: "Second brother, second sister-in-law."

"Who is it!"

The voice of the second aunt's anger came from inside, and a man whose hair was not combed, but was tied up with an old rubber band in a mess, his slightly fat face was still stained with grass ash, and his eyes looked more slender. It was more mean and greedy before.

"Second sister-in-law, it's me, Xiuli."

Huang Xiuli's voice was timid.

The second aunt looked up and down at Huang Xiuli, and then at the big and small bags in Yang Zimei's hands. Her face that was originally wrinkled impatiently suddenly burst into a false smile.

"Oh, it's Xiuli. I haven't been back to my mother's house for a long time. Second sister-in-law, I miss you so much."

The second aunt came out of the house, rubbed the apron with both hands to clean the grass ash on her hands, and walked out quickly, reaching out to the big and small bags in Yang Zimei's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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