Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 688 Pure and impure

Chapter 688 Pure and impure (2)

"Only these eight are in line, and the others are not. Village chief, can you find one more girl who is a real virgin? It's not enough."

Yang Zi frowned and said.

"A real virgin? You say they are all gone?"

The village chief said suspiciously.

Yang Zimei nodded.

"Hey, I knew something was wrong. These children usually mess around with men and women at a young age. They spend the night at male classmates' homes and so on. They don't even keep their bodies pure."

The village chief sighed.

Liang Guihua, who was put on a cold face by Yang Zimei, heard Yang Zimei say that the excluded girls were not virgins, including her family's Erya, and shouted again, "I said Yang Zimei, no matter what, Erya is also your cousin. You are only 14 years old, besides cursing her fate viciously, you also slandered my Erya as impure, what is your intention?"

Yang Zimei said lightly, "I'm not like you, who maliciously speculate on others. As for what your second daughter is, she knows it herself. Third aunt, for the sake of relatives, I advise you to take her there as soon as possible." Find a doctor to check, as for why, I won’t say.”

No matter what, Erya is still young, so she won't be able to directly say that she is pregnant in front of everyone, so that she can't hold her head up as a human being.

What's more, she looked at Erya with her celestial eyes, and found that she could go to anyone in order to earn some pocket money.

It seemed that that was no longer her future fate, but her current fate.

The poor third aunt was still yelling how pure and honest her daughter was, but she didn't know that in school, her daughter was taken to accompany her every day after class.

"Yang Zimei, what do you mean?"

Liang Guihua jumped up and pulled Erya over, "My Erya is honest and pure, don't talk nonsense just because I offended you, tell me, why?"

Yang Zimei pursed her lips, not wanting to discuss this topic with her.

"Third Aunt..."

One of the girls in the same class as Erya couldn't help but said, "Erya, she hangs out with those guys every day, and all of us in the class know that, a few days ago, she was still vomiting in the dormitory. Not pregnant."

"Huang Linxin—"

When Liang Guihua heard this, she became angry, and rushed to the girl who was speaking, raised her palm and slapped it fiercely, and cursed angrily, "You little bastard, you go out to sell every day, and then you turn around and insult my second son." Ya, I can't spare you, I can't spare you, you are pregnant, your whole family is pregnant!"

Huang Linxin covered her face and squatted on the ground crying, "I lied, and there was a thunderbolt. If you don't believe me, ask Lingmei."

Liang Guihua's eyes turned to Huang Lingmei.

Huang Lingmei is the granddaughter of the village chief. She hid behind the village chief and said tremblingly, "What Lin Xin said is true. Everyone in our dormitory said she was pregnant."

Huang Lingmei is a well-known girl with good conduct in the village. She has said so, and the thing is [-]% true.

Liang Guihua's eyes turned back to stare at Erya.

Erya's face was pale, her body trembled slightly, her hands unconsciously caressed her abdomen, and then she spat it out with a vomit.


Liang Guihua roared like a lion, and looked at her in disbelief, "Say it quickly, they are slandering you, and I will never spare them."

"Mom, I...I..."

Er Ya was too scared to speak.

"What are you? Tell me, are you going out to sell!"

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Liang Guihua roughly guessed something in her heart, but her consciousness refused to admit it.

Her daughter is only 14 years old, how can she do such a shameful thing?
And was insulted that she was pregnant!
She doesn't believe it, absolutely doesn't believe it!

【Ask for five points】

(End of this chapter)

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