Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 702 Uncle 2 is Coming

Chapter 702 The second uncle is here (2)

When the whole family stood in front of that beautiful single-family villa and saw the clean, tidy and beautiful neighborhoods around them, they were a little timid.

"Niuniu, are you going to live in this building for us?"

The second aunt excitedly looked at the small western-style building that she had only seen on TV, and never dreamed that she could set foot in it, and looked at Yang Zimei in disbelief.


Yang Zimei nodded, and said with a faint smile, "Since you are here to seek refuge with me, naturally I can't let you live in places where I work."

"Niuniu, this place is so high-class, we are rural people, can we live here?"

The second uncle, Huang Qiang, looked around nervously, and hesitated, "Why don't you just rent a place for us to live in?"

"Second uncle, this is the house I bought. I love it for you to live in, so you can live in it. What's the matter with people in the countryside and cities?"

Yang Zimei said.

"Niuniu, you also bought this house? Why are you so rich?"

Ever since the second aunt visited her two houses that looked like the palaces on TV, she already understood that her young niece is a very rich and rich person.

He made up his mind to abandon everything in Huang Village, and it was right to bring his family here to rely on her.

She was also secretly glad that she didn't treat Yang Zimei as badly as her eldest brother and sister-in-law that day. She still had a little vision, so she was able to climb this big tree.

"It's okay, you can live here with peace of mind. It's just that this is a high-end residential area. Don't treat it as a countryside, just make it dirty and messy. Take good care of your children and don't let them destroy it, so that you won't be punished when the time comes." It's hard for me to complain."

Yang Zimei ordered.

"Niuniu, don't worry, I will definitely take care of those four guys and keep them from running around. I'm a bit of a knowledgeable person, and I know that people in the city are very particular about rules and hygiene."

The second aunt was afraid that she would go back on her refusal to give them a house, so she hurriedly replied.

"That's good." Yang Zimei looked at the four cousins ​​around him who were dark and shabby due to long-term drought and water shortage, "I will also help my cousins ​​go through the formalities for transferring to the city as soon as possible. You can live with peace of mind." Just download it, and I have also contacted the second uncle's work."

"Niu Niu, you are so kind, I really deserve that I loved you so much in the past." The second aunt excitedly held her hand and said.

Did you love yourself so much before?

Yang Zimei was embarrassed when he heard this.

If beating means kissing and scolding means love, then she really loves herself very much.

If it wasn't for her second uncle, even if she was begging on the street, she would not have reached out to help, just like she did to herself in the previous life.

Yang Zimei opened the carved iron gate of the small villa.

"It's so beautiful!"

The four children ran in happily, yelling and shouting.

The second uncle and the second aunt looked around cautiously, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

Entering the main body of the building, they saw that the decoration inside was resplendent and magnificent, and the furniture was all luxurious European-style furniture. They didn't dare to sit any more, worried that the expensive leather sofa would be dirty.

This time it was the second aunt's turn to get restless. She said to Yang Zimei, "Niuniu, everything here looks expensive. We accidentally broke it. Should we pay for it? We can't afford it. How about you?" Why don't you rent a house for us outside."

"Since I let you come in and live here, naturally I won't be afraid of these things being destroyed by you, so you can just live with peace of mind." Yang Zimei said with a smile, "I'm not so stingy."

"Rich people are different, Niuniu, do you have a net worth of 100 million?"

The second aunt asked cautiously.

Yang Zimei smiled, "Almost."

"Wow, aren't you a millionaire?" Second Aunt exclaimed, "It's really a lot of money."

Yang Zimei didn't answer her, now a million is nothing to her, it's just the price of an antique.

(End of this chapter)

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