Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 704 Grasp the present, regardless of the future

Chapter 704 Grasp the present, regardless of the future

"Zimei, you are not really unhappy, are you?"

Xia Mo saw her pupils sinking, "You have no reason to be unhappy? Even if your handsome Long Dao gets together less often, at least you are still in love. Poor thing, we don't even have anyone who loves each other."

After finishing speaking, she patted Yang Zimei's shoulder hard again, looked at her with almond eyes, and said solemnly: "Girl, keep it simple, be happy, think more about what you have, ignore what you have lost, and abandon what you have in the past. Seize the present, regardless of the future!"

Hearing this, Yang Zimei's heart skipped a beat.

Yes, why am I always shrouded in the previous life?
Even if this life is really going to be shattered like a mirror image that I feared, so what?
What's more, what happens in the future cannot be predicted.

Why should I worry about the misty future?

Why not, as Xia Mo said, abandon the past, grasp the present, and live a simple and happy life regardless of the future?

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly brightened, with a smile in her eyes, she nodded, "Xia Mo, you are right, starting today, I will be happy!"

"Really, it's as if you've never been happy!"

Xia Mo put her arms around her shoulders, "Then go to Xingye Lele, see handsome guys, drink some wine, dance, and be a bad girl, but don't tell my parents, otherwise, I'm sure they will Break my leg."

"Are you going to Hoshino?"

Min Gang's slightly surprised voice came from behind.

"Yes, I heard that there are many handsome guys there who are much more handsome than you, let's go and have a look, hehe."

Xia Mo smiled wickedly, "Do you want to go?"

"It just so happened that someone gave me four tickets."

Min Gang raised his eyebrows, "I was still thinking about how to send it out, and now I can give it to you."

"Wow, wow, Min Gang, why do you win my heart so much? Did you know that Zimei was going, so you bought the tickets specially?"

Xia Mo yelled without restraint.

"No, it's because the club over there has business dealings with me, so they gave me four tickets as a favor."

Min Gang explained.

"Whatever, anyway, I'm happy if there are free tickets, but the tickets cost 388 yuan a piece, and I saved a lot of money. I, Zimei, and Yaya each have one ticket, and the other ticket should be given to you." who?"

Xia Mo tilted his head and thought.

Min Gang rolled his eyes at her, "I'll keep the other one, I'm going to take a walk too."


Xia Mo pointed at Min Gang and yelled, "You good boy also go to that kind of place?"

"You can go, but I can't?"

Min Gang rolled his eyes, "It's just you three girls, I don't worry, I'm going to be a flower protector."


Xia Mo rolled his eyes back, "It's not that you don't know how powerful Zimei is. With her here, who would dare to provoke us? Don't you just want to play with Zimei?"

When Min Gang was told about the central matter, his face blushed slightly, but he admitted frankly, "Yes, I just want to play with you, I said Xia Mo, you won't be so vicious and want to reject me, will you?"

"They say I'm vicious, how dare I refuse you? You ask your god-sister, if she agrees, let's go together."

Xia Mo naturally knew Min Gang's feelings for Yang Zimei, so he kicked the ball to her.

Min Gang looked at Yang Zimei expectantly.

Yang Zimei smiled and said, "Just together, we are good friends, there is nothing wrong with it, let's make an appointment to see you tonight."

"See you at eight o'clock tonight."

Xia Mo said happily.

"See you soon!"

Min Gang and Yang Zimei answered at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled with clear eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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