Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 706 Young Marshal Jiang’s Gift

Chapter 706 Young Marshal Jiang’s Gift (2)

"You'll know when you leave the door." Luo Yinghao smiled mysteriously.

Yang Zimei immediately guessed what it was, and ran out of the door in surprise.

Sure enough, in the open space at the entrance, a Land Rover that was even more handsome than Luo Yinghao's was parked majesticly, shining silver in the sunlight, like a fierce tiger pouncing on it at any time.

The license plate is also a really awesome military license plate.

"Is this really for me?"

Yang Zimei blinked at Luo Yinghao.

"Yes, it was assembled by air last night. Young Marshal Jiang asked me to open it for you immediately, and then report whether you like it."

Luo Yinghao walked to the side of the car, and reached out to touch the shiny shell fondly, "I've longed for this Land Rover for a long time, but there are only ten limited editions in the world. It is estimated that Young Marshal Jiang originally ordered it for himself, and now I give it to you, he This apprentice is filial to you."

Yang Zimei smiled.

Jiang Ziliang's apprentice was appointed by her master.

Even though the apprenticeship ceremony had already been held, she was still a little embarrassed to face Jiang Ziliang, who was older than her and had a better position than her.

"I'll give you the car keys. You can go for a drive tonight and have a good time."

Jiang Ziliang threw the key in his hand to her.

Yang Zimei couldn't wait to open the car door and got in.

The cold metal texture of the outer shell and the elastic leather feeling of the car interior, there is no flaw in the equipment, which makes people feel excited after seeing it.

"Take me for a ride."

Lan Yaya got into the passenger seat neatly and fastened her seat belt.

Yang Zimei stepped on the accelerator, and the car started to run steadily on the road. I don't know if it's because of the new car, but it feels better than Long Zhutian's Hummer.

It was only four o'clock, and it was still early for the eight o'clock meeting, so Yang Zimei was driving Lan Yaya for a ride on the road.

Because it is a military license plate, and it is an extremely domineering Land Rover, when passing through the checkpoints, I saw her car approaching from a distance, so I hurriedly put on the barricade to let her pass smoothly. After taking a glance, he didn't dare to stop him, so he waved his hand to let the car go.

After strolling around for a while, and driving back to have dinner, the three of them changed into the clothes for Hoshino Club.

When you enter a club, you can't wear school uniforms casually, for fear that the guards won't let you in.

Yang Zimei changed into a relatively elegant white gauze dress, tied with a blue ribbon that matched the color of her hair, and wore blue mid-heeled shoes, her hair was slightly tied with the small white ribbon left by Xuehu. The end of the hair is a little bit, not dazzling, but refreshing and pretty.

Sadako's blue hair is simply coiled up. Instead of wearing a skirt, she is wearing a white tight-fitting sleeveless silk dress, a pair of blue cropped pants, and white pointed high-heeled shoes. She looks slim, beautiful and generous Even Zhang Ziyi and Fan Bingbing, the so-called international stars, would become supporting roles if they stood beside her.

Lan Yaya also put on a small yellow dress for the first time, Sadako put on a little makeup for her, and helped her get a suitable hairstyle. She was pale and weak, but now she looks like a little beauty, especially It is a pair of big eyes that are black and transparent than ordinary people, which is particularly impressive.

 "Tsk tsk, if you go to the club dressed like this, you will probably attract bored bees and butterflies as soon as you enter the arena. Don't be too hungry to walk around by then."

Luo Yinghao's eyes lit up when he saw the outfits of the three of them, then he shook his head and said, "In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I suggest that you still wear the most ordinary clothes and make yourself look ugly before going out."

(End of this chapter)

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