Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 710 Xia Mo's Marriage

Chapter 710 Xia Mo's Marriage

From the entrance to the disco on the first floor, there are two rows of welcoming beauties dressed as anime and game characters, with different postures, some are wild and hot, some are sexy and charming, some are pure and delicate, making people feel like Started to get excited.

The five people who had never been in such an occasion, forgot the displeasure brought by Chen Baocheng just now, and looked around excitedly and curiously.

Even Min Gang was a little unsteady on his toes, beating the beat with the explosive music coming from inside.

"Wow! Go go go!"

Xia Mo couldn't hold back her excitement anymore, she grabbed Yang Zimei with one hand and Lan Yaya with the other, and was about to rush in.

Unexpectedly, it was too reckless and bumped into a man who had just come out of it.

Xia Mo wanted to go in quickly, so she said sorry casually, and continued to rush in.

"You want to leave just because you hit someone?"

The man who was hit grabbed Xia Mo's arm with one hand, and said coldly.

Yang Zimei looked up, only to find that it was Luo Yingjin, one of the four sons of city B, who was said to be Luo Yinghao's cousin.

He is obviously not attached to a woman.

Luo Yingjin also recognized her. He grabbed Xia Mo's hand and let go. An exaggerated smile appeared on his charming thin lips. He looked at Yang Zimei and said, "Is this world really small? Miss Yang, are we here again?" We've met, haha, don't you come here all right?"

"Ah, very good."

Yang Zimei responded lightly, since he was Luo Yinghao, she didn't bother to sneer at him anymore.

"Do you know?"

Xia Mo looked up and saw Luo Yingjin, that young girl's heart secretly moved.

Luo Yingjin, a well-born dude, looks like a Hong Kong and Taiwan star in both appearance and attire, with a tall and straight figure, handsome features, and evil eyes, a bit like Xia Mo's favorite singer Wang Leehom.

"We know each other, how can Miss Yang and I not know each other?"

Luo Yingjin gritted his teeth a bit.

As soon as he saw her, he thought of those two ancient swords, and wished he could slap Yang Zimei twice.

Of course, just thinking about it, he wouldn't provoke her to fly into the flames.

"Then let's play together, hello, my name is Xia Mo, summer in summer, foamy Mo."

Xia Mo raised her face enthusiastically and said.

"Oh? A cute and beautiful little bubble in summer? Doesn't it burst when you blow it?"

Luo Yingjin blinked at Xia Mo with his peach blossom luck, and there was a wicked and sexy smile on the corner of his lips. He is a prodigal son in love, and he can almost tell which woman is interested in him at a glance, let alone Xia Mo. This kind of innocent little girl, the little eyes that stared at her directly proved that she had successfully seduced another girl.

Xia Mo's face turned slightly red, she lowered her head and dared not look at Luo Yingjin.

Yang Zimei couldn't help but open his eyes to see the marriage line of the two.

It was discovered that the two were finally connected as a husband and wife, but the road to love was bumpy and long.

Xia Mo and Luo Yingjin?

Yang Zimei looked at the two with sweat.

Xia Mo is so pure and lively, but Luo Yingjin is a slutty and dandy, if God insists on linking the two of them together, how much pain will Xia Mo have to suffer?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help giving Luo Yingjin a hard look.

Luo Yingjin was frightened by her sudden stare like killing her father and enemy, and her neck shrank. She wanted to tease Xia Mo, but she didn't dare, so she hurriedly found an excuse to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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