Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 737 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 737 Uninvited Guest (1)

Yang Zimei called Long Zhutian again, but the phone was still turned off.

Will he be fine?

Yang Zimei held the phone in a daze for a while. It had been three days since he called back on his own initiative, and last time he just said a word and hung up.

Why are you so busy that you don't even have time to call?

I probably won't be able to eat and sleep properly.

She touched the blue crystal bracelet on her wrist, and unconsciously hummed the incomprehensible lullaby he hummed.

When she was singing raptly, the black cat suddenly jumped from the master's bed to her feet, blinked its big dark green eyes and looked at her, as if enjoying the song it was humming.

"Xiao Hei, you like to listen too!"

Yang Zimei bent over and held it in his arms, "This is the lullaby he often sings, and Xuehu can also sing it."

Thinking of Xuehu, her heart tightened again.

For so long, there is no news about Xuehu Lake. What happened to it?
Can you survive that catastrophe?

I suddenly remembered that in the strange alley where I met the black cat, when I was about to be swept into the black hole, I really saw a snow-white fox tail rolling her out.

Why not Snow Lake?
Yang Zimei stroked the black fur of the black cat, "Xiao Hei, can you tell me that it was Xuehu who saved me in the alley that day? Is it because it is inconvenient to avoid me now? If you know that it has Well done, just answer me, okay?
The black cat didn't snort, but closed its eyes and pretended to be asleep.

There was really nothing she could do about it.

Every time I ask it a question, it pretends to be asleep, which is really treacherous.

Just as she was thinking, Sadako hurried in from the outside, "Master, someone is looking for you."

"Who is it?"

Yang Zimei asked.

"It's Mr. Fujiki." Sadako replied.

Mr. Fujiki?

The Japanese ambassador to China?

It seems that they came to ask for the pentagram pendant.

"Sadako, I guess he wants to return your pendant. Now there are a lot of troubles. I don't want to cause troubles, especially the troubles that will cause diplomatic problems between the two countries. If it is really not necessary , just give it back to me, okay?"

Yang Zimei said to Zhenzi a little guilty.

Sadako lowered her head and thought for a while, then reluctantly took off the pentagram from her neck and handed it to her, "It was given to me by the master, and the master can do whatever he wants."


Yang Zimei sighed, and took the pentagram in his hand, "If you can buy it with money, I will definitely buy it for you."

"Thank you, master. Sadako just feels comfortable wearing it, and it has a familiar atmosphere."

Sadako replied.

"Well, maybe it's because of the Yin Yang technique, you are the product of that kind of magic."

Yang Zimei nodded, and led Zhenzi out of the door.

Fujiki outside the door was wearing a formal and rigorous black suit, followed by the three grand sumo wrestlers he had seen in the square before.

When the three big sumo wrestlers saw her, their eyes immediately showed the fire of hatred, the fat on their chests was shaking up and down, and their fists were clenched.

"Mr. Fujiki, long time no see, don't you come here all right?"

A smile curled up on the corner of Yang Zimei's lips, and he asked lightly.

"Miss Yang, I'm fine, are you fine too?" Mr. Fujiki politely saluted her slightly.

"Well, thanks to you, I'm doing fine too."

(End of this chapter)

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