Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 739 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 739 Uninvited Guest (3)

He is not a popular sumo wrestler, and he usually doesn't get much salary, otherwise, he wouldn't have come all the way from Japan to this strange country of China for such a little benefit.

Seeing Sumo's appearance, Yang Zimei knew that his heart was moving, so she directly took out the check and waved it in front of his eyes, "I'll give you three seconds to think about it! Either get the check or this!"




Seeing that Sumo was still hesitant, Yang Zimei put away the check and handed the pentagram back to Fujiki, "Since the money can't be bought, I'll pay you back! We won't be in arrears again in the future."

"I sell!"

The sumo hurriedly shouted, "500 million!"

Yang Zimei smiled, with a sly look in her black eyes, "If I sell it now, I can give it up to 100 million. Who made you hesitate just now? 100 million, do you want it? I'll give you three seconds to think about it. Otherwise, the next asking price will be 50." Ten thousand!"



"I sell!"

The sumo screamed anxiously while clutching his painful heart.

Seeing that 500 million was lost in front of his eyes just now, he was so regretful that he wanted to beat the ground.

Fujiki looked at him in surprise, but didn't speak.

Yang Zimei clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "Deal!"

She wrote another check of 100 million and handed it to Fujiki, "I bought this thing. From then on, we will no longer be in arrears, and you don't want to say that I robbed you of your things."

"Thank you Miss Yang."

Resisting the displeasure in his heart, Fujiki took the check and handed it to the sumo wrestler, glaring at him fiercely with gloomy eyes.

Sumo took the check, with a complex expression of joy, remorse, and a hint of panic on his face.

"Mr. Fujiki, our transaction is completed. I just lost 100 million. I'm not in a good mood, so I won't invite you to drink tea anymore. Please go back."

After speaking, she turned around and entered the house.

"Miss Yang—"

Fujiki chased after him, "Please don't go, I have something to do."

"Eh? What's the matter?" Yang Zimei said casually, "I think I really want to have nothing to talk to you about."

"Our Emperor wants to see you!"

Fujiki called from behind.

Yang Zimei stopped and looked back at him, "Why?"

"Miss Yang has an amazing talent. His Majesty the Emperor has heard about you and is very interested in you. He wants to invite you to our big Japan for a meeting. I wonder if Miss Yang is free?"

When Fujiki said this, there was a hint of arrogance.

He felt that to be invited by his incomparably honorable Emperor, the girl in front of him would be flattered to receive this honor.

Who knows, Yang Zimei still didn't even think about it, she refused directly, "No time."

Fujiki was startled, suspecting that Yang Zimei hadn't heard clearly, so he said loudly, "Miss Yang, His Majesty the Emperor invited you to our Japan as a guest. In this world, not many people can have this honor."

"Then thank him for me, I don't think it's necessary to meet your emperor." Yang Zimei said with a still expression on her face.

"Do you know what a noble position the emperor holds in our hearts?" Fujiki began to doubt Yang Zimei's IQ, "Even if your head of state wants to meet him, it will be very difficult."

"That's none of my business. He is honorable in your eyes, but in my heart, he is just a person."

Yang Zimei smiled lightly.

It is probably because she watched too many war movies in her previous life, and she really didn't like the existence of a role like the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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