Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 741 Uninvited Guest

Chapter 741 Uninvited Guest (5)

Now, she continues to display this utterly savage violence.

She was not polite to the three sumo wrestlers, and she had already started to attack when they were still afraid to come forward to besiege her.

Do not!
To be precise, it's a trip!
She probably doesn't like to touch the mountain of fat on Sumo's body, so she just uses her feet.

Moreover, this footwork seems to have been passed on from the legs of the teacher's uncle Yuzhenzi Tan's family.

It is estimated that the uncle liked Sadako too much before, so he taught her a few tricks when he had time.

Thinking of her uncle, her heart ached again.

Sadako jumped up extremely lightly, and kicked a beautiful series of legs in the air...

Bang bang bang!
Three dull bangs!
The three sumo wrestlers screamed and fell out in three directions. They collapsed on the ground and howled as if they were killing pigs, which made Fujiki dumbfounded.

He never imagined that those three sumo wrestlers would be so bad, and they were settled by Sadako with just one kick.

Originally, his expression was very different when facing Sadako, but now, it was even more different.

"Mr. Fujiki, I wonder if there is still a competition now?"

Yang Zimei found out that if there are bad people, letting Zhenzi go is really a very gratifying thing.

"Don't dare. Miss Yang, we've offended you, so let's leave."

Fujiki took a deep look at Sadako, and asked the three sumo wrestlers in Japanese if they could still stand up.

Sadako didn't mean to hurt them, but just kicked them in the shoulder, causing them to fall out. Therefore, after struggling on the ground, they were still able to stand up.

"Let's go!"

Fujiki said to the three people, and then got into the passenger seat of a truck.

And the three sumo wrestlers got into the loading compartment of the truck.

After watching them go away, Yang Zimei asked Sadako, "When Fujiki saw you just now, he seemed to be saying something, what was it?"

"Say I look like Miss Jingming, and tell those three sumo wrestlers not to hurt me." Sadako replied.

Miss Jingming?

Who is it?

How old is it?

As for Sadako, Yang Zimei, who has only lived in a small place like City A, can be regarded as ignorant, not to mention people from Japan, even the mainland China. Except for the big shots in City A, she doesn't know of.

The five-pointed star array in Yuecun, the five-pointed star box in his hand, and the living dead Sadako were suddenly buried in the ground, and now he has become a vegetative master. Everything that happened is related to Yin Yang.

She didn't know whether all of this happened by chance, or there was a wonderful connection in it that she didn't know.

And the key point of this connection may be Sadako.

Sadako has been dead for hundreds of years. In this world, there should be no one who knows her.

That Miss Jingming may be a woman from her original family.

To make Mr. Fujiki and those three sumo wrestlers look awe-inspiring, Ms. Kagami must have a very prominent background.

I hope to start from this line, find out the mystery of Sadako, and find out the master who turned into a vegetable.

Yang Zimei handed the pentagram ornament in her hand to Zhenzi, "I have already bought this from them, and it will belong to you in the future."

"Thank you master!"

Sadako happily took it, and couldn't wait to put it on her neck, with a satisfied expression on her face, as if an addict could suddenly get white powder.

Do not understand!

(End of this chapter)

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