Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 745 Peach Wood Card

Chapter 745 Peach Wood Card (4)

Yang Zimei opened the door and was very happy to see Song Xuan, "Mr. Song, are you back?"

"Just came back."

Song Xuan stepped into the house, this was the first time he stepped inside, and he had the same feeling as the others. They all felt that the air here was particularly fresh and comfortable, as if standing in the mountains.

"Xiaomei, the air in your house feels particularly comfortable." Song Xuan looked around, "I thought my old house was good enough, but I didn't expect that your place is simply a fairyland on earth."

"Hehe, Mr. Song, I set up formations here, so the air is a bit different from other places." Yang Zimei smiled and said, "Mr. , it is not appropriate to wait too long."

"Really, why don't you help my house decorate? Let your sister Qingmei have a smooth pregnancy." Song Xuan said with a smile.

"I have already set up a gathering array in your yard. Although the effect is not as good as mine, it is the most suitable for you."

Yang Zimei smiled and led him to the living room to sit down.

When Song Xuan saw the room made of huanghuali wood furniture from the Ming Dynasty, a pair of warm eyes radiated a hot light.

Like stroking those treasures in his store, he touched them carefully for a while, almost wanting to check every corner with a magnifying glass.

Yang Zimei looked at him with a smile.

Song Xuan is the most handsome and sexy when he is concentrating on appreciating objects obsessively.

At this moment, he seemed to be emitting some kind of light.

Suddenly, ten years ago, at the hospital gate, he smiled and said "I'll wait for you" to her as warm as jade, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

Although Song Xuan taught her not much, it played a key role in her present.

Without him, she would not have lived an easy money life on the antique road, nor would she have had the self-confidence.

"Xiaomei, your set of huanghuali wood is a masterpiece of the Ming Dynasty. It's the furniture in the palace." Song Xuan finally woke up from his obsession, sat down, and said to Yang Zimei with envy.

"I got it by chance."

Yang Zimei blinked, "And it didn't cost any money, and it wasn't a scam. They gave it to me."

"Your luck against the sky is really jealous of the dead."

Song Xuan took a sip of the tea made by Yang Zimei, and then his eyes fell on her slender fair neck...

Yang Zimei felt a little hairy when he saw it, and touched the mahogany plaque, "Mr. Song, you don't want to appreciate me, do you?"


Song Xuan nodded, and looked at her expectantly, "Xiaomei, can you untie it for me to have a look?"

Yang Zimei took off the mahogany card and handed it to him.

Song Xuan took it carefully.

The mahogany card still carries her warm breath, exuding a unique elegant fragrance of Yang Zimei.

This mahogany card is not quite the same as the glossy one he gave in the seminar.

Maybe it was because Yang Zimei wore it close to her body. This mahogany plaque was like jade, exuding a warm luster, as if there was some kind of aura in it.

As a person who appraises and handles antiques for a long time, although he can't have the eyes like Yang Zimei, who can directly see the atmosphere of things, he has also developed a kind of ability to sensitively capture the unique heritage of antiques, which has traveled through thousands of years.

This kind of heritage cannot be imitated by even the best imitators, just like a woman who has experienced the baptism of years, she has the vicissitudes of time and a calm temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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