Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 748 Peach Wood Card

Chapter 748 Peach Wood Card (7)

"Xiaomei, how can you associate with someone who knows nothing?" Song Xuan asked with an elder face, "Aren't you afraid that he will be dangerous to you?"

Yang Zimei smiled, "There's nothing to be afraid of. I believe that even if everyone in the world wants to hurt me, he won't."

Song Xuan looked at her expression of faith in love, and couldn't help feeling a little sour.

"Mr. Song, Sister Qingmei treated you in the same way."

Yang Zimei caught the look of sadness on his face, and said with a smile.

Song Xuan thought for a while, but also felt relieved.

Yes, even if the whole world is going to hurt him, he still believes that his wife will not hurt him.

I have such a love myself, why should I envy others?

"By the way, Mr. Song, I have something else to show you."

Yang Zimei thought of that ancient mirror that could only reflect the soul of a person.

Because the mirror was related to the portrait, she always carried it in her bag and was not stolen.

If they were placed in a drawer that day, they would probably disappear together.

She really envied Xuehu's interspatial ring, which could store her own things without any trace, no one could steal it, and it could be carried with her, so she could take out whatever she wanted at any time.

It's a pity that I am not a fairy or a monster, so I probably will never have a space ring, so I can only carry a bag full of things with me every day.

She took out the ancient mirror from the bag and handed it to Song Xuan, "Mr. Song, take a look at this mirror."

Song Xuan took the mirror over and looked at the pattern on the back of the mirror, "This should be a mirror made in the Qin Dynasty, but this shape is different from what I usually see, it's a bit special."

He opened the mirror and took a picture unconsciously, with a strange expression on his face.

He looked at the teacup on the table, and then at himself.

Seeing Song Xuan's expression of extreme surprise, which has always been calm, Yang Zimei thought it was amused, so she didn't mention the weirdness of the broken mirror, and looked at him suspiciously looking around.

He took a mirror to look at Yang Zimei, and found her portrait in the mirror, and looked at himself suspiciously, looking like he was about to collapse.

There was profuse sweat on his forehead, and the hand holding the mirror trembled slightly, "Xiaomei, I... am I going to die?"

"Looking at Mr. Song's face and numerology, he can live to at least 80 years old."

Yang Zimei said with a smile.

Song Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Then...why can't I be seen in the mirror?"

"Because this is a witch mirror, it can't see people's portraits, Mr. Song, don't be nervous, this kind of situation is not only you."

Yang Zimei explained.

"Then how can you see it?"

Song Xuan pointed the mirror at her again and asked suspiciously.

"Because I'm a witch."

Yang Zimei gritted his teeth and said, "The weird mirror that can't see portraits, have you ever seen any related records?"

Song Xuan repeatedly looked at the mirror in his hand, "I have never read in any book that there is no mirror that can't see people's portraits. But the strange thing is, I always feel that this mirror looks familiar, as if it is in something I've seen the place so-so."

"Well, it's very similar to the mirror worn in the portrait of my boyfriend who looks like my boyfriend in armor. I also compared it."

(End of this chapter)

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