Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 762 Arriving in the provincial capital

Chapter 762 Arriving in the provincial capital
"Sister, I thought you would ask Sadako to throw their car out this time. I didn't expect that you would still be good-tempered and make friends with them. It's not like you."

Xiaoqian yelled.

"Hehe, in an unfamiliar place, making enemies is just asking for trouble, and I can't afford to hurt them." Yang Zimei smiled and said, "In City A, I may be able to dominate, but outside, there may be people outside the mountain. Shan, the strong have their own strong hands, I have to keep a low profile, anyway, those four are just playboys, not worth offending."

"It seems that my sister is a little more mature." Xiaoqian said.

Yang Zimei turned her head and gave her a blank look, "Could I have been naive before?"

"A little childish, a little headstrong, a little free-spirited, a little impulsive, but—" Xiaoqian added, "I like it because it's you."

"You little brat, go eat your milk quickly, if you talk too much, I'll throw you out." Yang Zimei snorted coldly.

"Are you willing?"

"What is there to be reluctant about?"

"Then just throw it away, I'll wait!"

"Okay, I'm defeated!"

For Xiaoqian, Yang Zimei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

To her, Xiaoqian has long been like a family member, so she is naturally reluctant to part with it.

The car smoothly drove into the urban area of ​​GY.

Looking at the complicated roads, the endless traffic, and the high-rise buildings that stand up like giants, Yang Zimei really has the feeling that Grandma Liu has entered the Grand View Garden.

She wanted to go directly to the Provincial People's Hospital to find Song Xuan and see his current situation. She was not familiar with the road, so she had to call out the navigation.

Xiaoqian is also like a country child who has never seen the world, while biting her pacifier, she yells loudly whenever she sees something novel.

"I said Xiaoqian, you only look like six months now, and you'd better not talk scary when there are people. At that time, if you are arrested by some provincial academy of sciences to study your genes, I don't care about you." Yang Zimei, who was concentrating on driving and looking at the road, was a little bit unbearable by his noise, and threatened.

"It's impossible for you to ignore it." Xiaoqian was very confident, "I was watching TV with Yaya that day, and there was a girl in the United States whose IQ surpassed Einstein's and she could speak in five months. What's so strange? You can say that I am a child genius, let those people look at me with admiration and worship."

Yang Zi's eyebrows were covered with black lines.

This little guy has actually learned to talk poorly, it really makes people vomit blood.

Because of the wrong navigation, Yang Zimei took many wrong roads. She has never learned the traffic rules. She can walk freely in a simple small city like City A, but it is troublesome in a big city with complicated roads.

If a ticket was to be recorded, she would have been recorded at least a hundred times today.

After stumbling and driving for three hours, I found the Provincial People's Hospital.

She wouldn't be tired even after killing the enemy, but this time she was sweating profusely.

Parked the car, called Song Xuan's mobile phone, and asked which ward he was in.

"Xiaomei, are you really here?"

Song Xuan was very surprised to receive Yang Zimei's call.

"Well, didn't I tell you last night?"

"I thought you were talking about it." Song Xuan said very moved, "I didn't expect that you really came."

"How can I not come?"

Hearing Song Xuan's voice was hoarse and tired, Yang Zimei's heart tightened a little.

(End of this chapter)

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