Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 765 The Destination of Love

Chapter 765 The Destination of Love

Yang Zimei hung up the phone.

An Dongyang on the other side of the phone heard the beeping sound of hanging up in his hand, and cursed his mother angrily.

It was always him who hung up on the woman's phone first, and no woman hung up on him first, it was so sultry.

Yang Zimei!Just wait and see, I must make you surrender and become my woman!

He threw the phone aside, stood by the window, and yelled loudly.

According to Song Xuan's physical condition, Yang Zimei gave him basic acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, and then asked him to take a elixir made from the precious medicinal material Saussurea shouwu ginseng to maintain his vitality.

"Mr. Song, how do you feel?"

After collecting the silver needles, Yang Zimei asked with concern.

Song Xuan nodded slightly, "It's much better than the treatment in the hospital. In the hospital, every time I receive electrotherapy, I feel that life is worse than death, but your treatment makes me clearly feel that the cells in my body are about to be awakened."

"Well, it's right to feel this way. These days, you have to maintain a good attitude and have a good rest. In terms of food, I will let Sadako take good care of it. Everything is based on blood circulation."

"Thanks a lot."

"As long as you get better, all these hard work are nothing."

After finishing Song Xuan's work, Yang Zimei sat down and habitually called Long Zhutian first.


The phone was connected very quickly, and Long Zhutian's deep, emotional voice came, and her heart beat violently, and her breathing couldn't help but increase.

"Day by day—"

"Well, I'm here." Long Zhutian replied, "What about you? What are you doing now?"

"I'm in the provincial capital now. Mr. Song has blood cancer, and I don't want Sister Qingmei to know. I'm here to treat him. I'm looking for a mahogany plaque. I heard that one of them is in the hands of the Antique President." Yang Zimei answered truthfully.

"miss you--"

Long Zhutian suddenly said such a sentence, with a certain kind of heavy depression in his tone, which made Yang Zimei's heart beat wildly again, and his face was full of tenderness.

"I miss you too, Zhutian, are you done with your work? When will you come back?" The emotion of longing for Long Zhutian, like weeds, spread rapidly, making it impossible for her to suppress it.

"I'm sorry, I can't go back yet." Long Zhutian said guiltily, "Wait for me for a year, I'll clean up everything, and I will always be by your side, and never leave again."

a year?
Hearing this time, Yang Zimei felt as if a heavy object hit her heart.

There are 360 ​​five days in a year.

Seeing each other in one day is like every three autumns.

How does this make her spend the long years of missing her?

However, she knew that he was also very eager to come back soon, but he couldn't.

How could I use the love of my son and daughter to tie him down?
"I'll wait for you." The only thing she could say now was, "I will wait no matter how long it takes, as long as you come back."

"I will definitely come back to you, even if I crawl, I will always crawl back." Long Zhutian replied solemnly, "You are my destination."

"Well, you are also my destination."

Listening to Long Zhutian's unglamorous love words, Yang Zimei's heart kept rippling like a big stone was thrown.

If the two loves last for a long time, how will they be in their turn?
She could only use this sentence to comfort herself.

In this world, it is also a kind of happiness to have someone to wait for yourself. You don't have to be careless, floating and rootless like in the previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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