Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 770 Qualified Wonderful Girl

Chapter 770 Qualified Wonderful Girl (1)

An Dongyang said with a wry smile, "This yellow diamond weighs 110.03 carats. It is the largest yellow diamond. The yellow color is bright and dazzling. It is the rarest among yellow diamonds. Although it is not as rare as pink, it is definitely not less than that one. The auction price of the pink diamond needs at least [-] million Huaxia coins to be auctioned. As for how high the final transaction price will be, it is hard to say. It may be hundreds of millions or billions, depending on the bidder's mentality Love it."

Yang Zimei had also bid for jadeite and antiques herself, and knew that there would be infinite possibilities when the bidding went live.

The cash in her hand is actually less than 1000 million.

It seems that one can only appreciate this sun droplet, but not own it.

Sighing very reluctantly, he continued to look at other jewelry.

The other jewelry is also very good, but because she loves the sun drop and the diamond drop too much, she can't put any other jewelry in the eye.

An Dongyang has something to do, so he won't accompany her to explain for the time being.

She just glanced through the jewelry in the venue, she might have drank a little too much water, so she urgently urinated, handed Lianyi to Sadako, and went to the bathroom.

At the corner, he accidentally bumped into a woman in extremely gorgeous clothes and jewels.

This woman is about 20 years old, with high cheekbones, slanted eyes, thin lips, average appearance, rough skin, but the jewels on her body add a little luster to her.

"You don't have long eyes when you walk? Do you have the quality? You don't say an apology when you bump into it. What kind of mentality is it?"

Before Yang Zimei could say sorry, the woman started pointing at her nose and yelling.

Yang Zimei was sweating.

She was the one who came out of nowhere and bumped into people, okay?
But she just pointed at herself and yelled and scolded, and said that she was not qualified. Could it be that she is very qualified?

However, she didn't want to make trouble, so she said casually, "I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into you."

"What is embarrassment? What kind of mentality and quality do you have? Don't you even say sorry? Didn't your parents raise you well?"

The woman looked Yang Zimei's clothes up and down, with contempt in her eyes, "No wonder you are so vulgar, so you are a child of a poor family, I knew that you poor people have no quality!"

Hearing her quality one after another, Yang Zimei got a little annoyed, squinted at her, and asked, "Are you very qualified?"

"What do you mean? What kind of mentality do you have when you look at me with your tone?"

The woman raised her proud head and pointed her finger at the bridge of Yang Zimei's nose, "I was born in a good family, and all my family members are of high quality, unlike poor people like you who are jealous of us rich people and intentionally Hit me, I don't even know what state of mind it is!"


Yang Zimei really couldn't help but burst out laughing.

She has seen a lot of top quality products, but this is the first time she has seen such a strange thing.

"Well, you have qualities, and your whole family has qualities." Yang Zimei suppressed a smile and said, "Is this enough?"

"What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?"

"Miss, it's not against the law to laugh, right? I'm laughing at something weird. If you really want to be right, then I can't help it."

"What? Do you dare to laugh at me as a weirdo? I knew that poor people like you hate the rich and take pleasure in mocking us rich people to balance that dark psychology. I hate poor, sour and rotten people like you the most. .”

(End of this chapter)

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