Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 774 Don't provoke her

Chapter 774 Don't provoke her
Thinking that he was not capable of taking pictures of the sun droplet, Yang Zimei, who had already browsed through all the jewelry, had lost interest in this place.

What's more, she really doesn't like being stared at by that strange Antony like a thorn in her side, and Sadako doesn't seem to like being chased by those crazy bees and butterflies who feel good about herself.

"Young Master An, I'm so sorry, we have to leave now in a hurry."

Yang Zimei said to An Dongyang.

"Leaving so soon? Don't you have any jewelry you like? I'm going to give you one or two." An Dongyang said in surprise.

"I don't have anything I like right now, thank you An Shao. If there is something I like, I'd rather buy it myself." Yang Zimei said with a smile, politely rejecting his idea of ​​giving her something.

An Dongyang's lips twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything more.

Just now, Murong Yunqing warned him not to offend Yang Zimei, that was not someone he could provoke.

He asked Murong Yunqing who Yang Zimei was.

Murong Yunqing didn't answer, but said indifferently: "Anyway, don't treat her like an ordinary girl, even I should respect her very much."

Hearing this, An Dongyang's heart became heavy.

He didn't know if he wanted to continue chasing her.

This was the first time he had such a strong desire to pursue a girl, and even thought about marrying her as his wife in the future.

Unexpectedly, Murong Yunqing continued to say to him, "Also, her man is not something you can look up to. Don't have too many delusions about her. There is nothing wrong with just making friends with her."

"Who is her man?" An Dongyang asked unwillingly.

"You can't meet someone with a hair. Not to mention her man, her disciple alone is scary enough." No matter what, An Dongyang is his own cousin, loved by his grandfather Grandson, he can't just watch him go to death beyond his control.

"Disciple? What disciple? Did she become someone else's master at such a young age?" An Dongyang asked in confusion.

"Her disciple is Jiang Ziliang, the young marshal of the [-]th Division, the grandson of the head of state. I won't say much about the rest. Also, tell your sister to shut up. She is in a good mood today and doesn't care about your sister. It belongs to your sister." Luck, otherwise, the consequences will be difficult to say, and it will affect the life and death of your entire An family."

Murong Yunqing explained the powerful relationship among them.

An Dongyang was dumbfounded.

Because Zhou Guangyu's grandfather was from the Guangyuan Military Region, he would often tell him some legendary things about the army, among which the Seventeenth Division was the most talked about.

Jiang Ziliang, the young marshal of the [-]th Division, is even more legendary and the idol of the four of them.

He never imagined that this idol would be Yang Zimei's disciple.

"Cousin, are you not mistaken?" An Dongyang took a deep breath and asked, "How could she be the master of Jiang Shaoshuai at such a young age? What kind of master is she? What is so magical about her?"

"I don't know the reason for this one. You also saw the Land Rover she drove. It was specially ordered for her by Young Marshal Jiang from the United States."

Murong Yun said clearly.

"God! I thought the elders in her family belonged to the military region!" An Dongyang felt that he was about to be defeated by the truth Murong Yunqing said.

"That's all I can say. For the rest, you can do as you please."

Murong Yunqing patted An Dongyang on the shoulder and went to busy with her affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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