Chapter 778 Cloud Fox (2)

"Yunhu, if there is no accident, it is really Yunhu! A spirit fox who can shed tears into beads!"

Che Dongliang thought of the spar that Yang Zimei had just given him in his hand, "Is this because its tears have turned? Is it true that tears turn into beads?"

"do not know."

Yang Zimei hugged Lianyi tightly. She knew that its breed would be very rare, but she didn't know that it had already been recorded in the book and was recognized by others.

"Little girl, where did you find it?" Che Dongliang asked enviously, "Are you willing to sell it to me? I'm willing to spend [-] million to buy it."

"Chairman Che, are you kidding me? It's not my pet, it's just my partner. No matter how much money I have, I have no right to buy it. Also, I hope President Cha won't spread the news about me as a fox. I don't want to cause any trouble, otherwise, I will let President Che keep you in trouble."

Ripple is a rare species that can only be found in legends. Once the relevant industry pays attention to it, it will cause great trouble.

She hates any trouble, so she solemnly warned Che Dongliang.

Che Dongliang was so frightened by the cold light in her eyes that his spine shivered slightly, and he looked at her carefully.

Just now, his eyes had been attracted by Taomupai and Yunhu, and he didn't notice Yang Zimei.

Her pupils are like starbursts, her delicate facial features are without a trace of blemish, like white jade, her skin is light and shiny, her body is light, her temperament is agile, like Luoshen walking out of a painting, like a phantom like a dream.

What kind of girl is this?

He took a step back and looked at Yang Zimei.

Decades of experience in antiques gave him more sensitive tentacles than others.

The girl in front of her is clearly like a piece of ancient jade that has been deposited for thousands of years, she has a unique temperament that ordinary people don't have.

He carefully looked at the pendant on her body.

The dark peach wood card, the black ring on the white and slender fingers, and a very unusual string of ice blue crystals on the wrist.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these three accessories of hers seem to have been bought from ordinary stalls.

But he is a person with decades of experience in antiques. Unusual objects can feel the difference just by looking at them, especially things that have experienced thousands of years of aura.

The three things she carried on her body were the ones that could give him that kind of aura that has been around for thousands of years.

No wonder, she didn't feel anything about his price of hundreds of thousands before.

It turned out that she was the real rich man!
Which wealthy family is this child raised by?
His gaze turned to Sadako, who was standing a little behind Yang Zimei.

Sadako gave him a very strange feeling, making him feel as if he saw an ancient object just dug out of the soil, and there was a kind of dusty aura and a kind of haze and mold on his body.

Reiki and mildew are two contradictory temperaments, how could they appear on her body?

She is obviously a lovely, beautiful and young girl, how could she make him feel bad?
He was extremely puzzled, and then looked at Xiaoqian in the stroller.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary baby sucking a pacifier, but the eyes are not as simple and clear as the eyes of ordinary babies, but are transparent, like the eyes of the Persian cat raised by his family, as if It's like being able to see through people's souls. Also, his smiley expression shouldn't be that of a baby at all.

(End of this chapter)

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