Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 784 Heavy Chapter Jewelry Exhibition

第784章 重回珠宝展(2)

"In the business world, Huo Wenhua has the highest status among our Huaxia businessmen. In the political world, which family can be better than the Jiang family? But Jiang Ziliang, the grandson of the head of state, Jiang Ziliang, the young commander of the [-]th Division, calls her master. What is the origin of her? Are you exaggerating? Guangyu, I wonder if your grandpa knows?"

An Dongyang turned to Zhou Guangyu.

Zhou Guangyu shook his head, "I've never heard of it. At first, I thought your cousin was joking, but seeing Huo Wenhua's attitude, I thought it was true. Even if Huo Wenhua was in front of our head of state, he wouldn't have such an attitude. Really it's wired."

"Yeah, that's weird. I've never heard of it. There is a big family named Yang in our Huaxia circle."

"Well, I really don't know where it came from. It's so strange. It's so rare for me to like a girl so much, but I can't get high in the end. I feel really sad." An Dongyang looked frustrated.

"Same feeling."

Han Weiguang also had a mournful face.

"But, have you noticed? Although Zhenzi said she was a sister, she stood beside Yang Zimei as if she was a servant girl serving her master. She obeyed Yang Zimei's orders and always stood behind her. My sister's attitude towards my younger sister." Zhou Guangyu, who had learned observation since childhood, interjected again.

"Well, I have the same feeling, and Miss Sadako is not very talkative, she seems to be looking at Yang Zimei every time she says a word." Zeng Dong nodded, "At first glance, the two of them look alike, but they are also similar in spirit. , but the facial features are very similar, although they are all born beauties."

"If you say that, look carefully, they really don't look alike, so strange." Han Weiguang said.

"What's even more strange is that baby Xiaoqian, no matter how talented he is, it's impossible for him to speak so well."

"And that fox is also strange, it looks more agile than a puppy."

"I really want to know who they are."

Che Guangliang and Huo Wenhua knew each other and had a close relationship.

When he saw that Yang Zimei came in with Huo Wenhua, he became more and more determined that Yang Zimei's origin was mysterious.

A person like Huo Wenhua who stomps his feet can cause a major financial earthquake in China, even when facing the head of state, he has an neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

But it was obvious that his attitude towards Yang Zimei was very different, not only respect, but also a hint of awe.

For people like Huo Wenhua, money, power and status can no longer awe him, except for mysterious power.

An Dongyang's father, An Shi, saw his son with Yang Zimei before, and thought she was just a prey for his son to play with, so he didn't care.

Now that she saw her standing beside Huo Wenhua, she immediately made up her mind.

Since ancient times, businessmen have valued profits, and marriage relationships have also been established for strong cooperation.

Therefore, he began to want to find out Yang Zimei's identity.

"Mr. Huo, this lady looks delicate and delicate, like a little fairy in a painting. I wonder who is Mr. Huo's?" An Shi probed.

Just before entering the arena, Yang Zimei had already ordered Huo Wenhua not to reveal her identity.

"Hehe, my niece Yang Zimei." Huo Wenhua smiled, then turned to Yang Zimei and said, "Xiaomei, this is Chairman An of Anshi Group, please say hello."

"Hello, Chairman An!" Yang Zimei greeted politely, whether it was on Huo Wenhua's face or An Dongyang's, it should be done.

(End of this chapter)

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