Chapter 798 Birthday (1)

Since returning from the jewelry fair, Sadako has been in a daze more and more often, sometimes so dazed that she can't even hear Yang Zimei calling, as if she is completely immersed in her own world.

But according to Ripple, who can read minds, every time she is in a daze, she doesn't think about anything, and her mind is blank.

She also asked Sadako, and Sadako often looked at her blankly, then shook her head and said that she didn't think about anything, but she didn't know why she suddenly fell into a daze.

Yang Zimei was a little depressed, so she let her go, and only concentrated on studying how to treat Song Xuan.

Under Song Xuan's acupuncture, the white blood cells gradually decreased and the red blood cells increased. When she went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor called it a miracle.

Song Xuan's face also gradually recovered its ruddy color, and he began to cheer up and wander around the antique world in Guangyuan.

Going out for a walk every day, Yang Zimei became familiar with the streets and alleys of GY City. Under the guidance of An Dongyang and others, she knew where there were delicious and interesting places.

Because of the regrets of the previous life, and also because of the ten years spent on the mountain in this life, she has no time to play. In this place where not many people know her, she puts aside all the complicated affairs and eats, drinks and plays to her heart's content. .

It's just that every time she calms down, when she thinks of the missing master, her heart feels like being cut by a knife suddenly. She feels pain and uneasiness, and feels that it is very unkind for her to only care about her own fun.

I received a call from my father Yang Qing, "Niuniu, happy birthday!"

"Huh? My birthday?"

Yang Zimei looked at the calendar on the wall, only to realize that today is really her 16th birthday.

It's only your 16th birthday?

Thinking of this, she was a little depressed, and she was looking forward to her birthday.

Only on my birthday can I have sex with Long Zhutian to my heart's content, hehe.

Thinking of this, her face became slightly hot.

I don't know if Long Zhutian knows about her birthday, she doesn't seem to have told him.

If I can make a birthday wish that can be fulfilled, it is to hope that Long Zhutian can return to her side and stay with her for one night.

It's a pity that she can't even say this wish.

Even though Long Zhutian didn't say anything to her, she also felt that he was in an extremely critical period, a period in which he couldn't help himself.

She can only wait patiently!


Grandma grabbed Yang Qing's phone and called out.

Hearing grandma's voice, Yang Zimei's heart warmed, and she said coquettishly, "Grandma, are you still killing chickens today? I want to eat chicken legs!"

In the past ten years of her birthday, even though the family was very poor, every time her birthday came, grandma would kill the native chickens raised at home, put them in an insulated box, and send them to the mountains for her, full of love Watching her eat up everything, Fang showed a look of satisfaction.

"Grandma waits for you to come back, and then make up for it. Are you used to living in Guangyuan? Do you eat and sleep on time? Have people in Guangyuan bullied you?"

Grandma asked a series of words with concern.

"Grandma, I eat and sleep on time. Sadako raised me fat and fat, and no one dares to bully me. If I don't bully others, everyone will laugh, hehe"

"You child, you can't rely on your own ability to bully others, otherwise God will be angry and take your ability back, and then you will have no place to cry."

Grandma said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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