Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 800 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 800 Touching Porcelain (1)

In City A, if there is no urgent matter, Yang Zimei usually prefers to walk on the street.

Walking is not a hard work for her.

On the contrary, you can sort out some messy thoughts while walking, or observe passers-by in a hurry.

As they were walking, there was a sudden clatter in front of them, and the sound of porcelain falling to the ground and shattering was heard.

A man with a vicious look quickly grabbed the arm of a woman in front and shouted loudly, "You broke my Song Dynasty porcelain, you will pay me back!"

The woman looked at him blankly, "I didn't hit you, it was you who suddenly ran in front of me and threw something to the ground."

"I'm sick. I threw an antique worth 30 yuan on the ground. It was you who bumped into me and broke my porcelain. You have to pay me, otherwise..."

A ferocious expression appeared on the man's face.

At this time, a few more people gathered around, pointing at the woman and yelling, "That's right, we all saw it, she broke your thing."

The woman only realized now that she was touched.

Pengci, which originally belonged to the BJ dialect, generally refers to some opportunistic and blackmailing behaviors.

For example, deliberately colliding with a motor vehicle to defraud compensation.In addition, "Pengci" is also a lingo in the antique industry, which means that when individual criminals sell antiques at stalls, they often place fragile porcelain in the middle of the road with ulterior motives, waiting for passers-by to accidentally break it, and they Then you can take the opportunity to blackmail.

She looked around, trying to find someone who could prove herself.

However, when the other passers-by saw the situation in front of them, they roughly guessed what happened, and pretended that they hadn't seen anything, and left in a hurry.

These few people who specialize in collaborating with porcelain are generally local hooligans and ruffians, and they should not be offended.

Anyway, if she didn't touch her body, that woman was unlucky.

The woman realized that no one was helping her, and nervously squeezed the bag in her hand.

The bag contained 1 yuan, which she borrowed from her grandpa and grandma, and 1 yuan she had just withdrawn from the bank, and was going to be taken to the hospital to pay for her daughter's hospitalization.

She remembered that when she was withdrawing money just now, there seemed to be a person who didn't look like a good person sneaking around not far away.

Now this person is among the so-called passers-by as witnesses, accusing her of crashing into other people's things.

For her now, money is the lifeblood of saving her daughter, and she refuses to spend it no matter what.

She knelt on the ground with a plop, and begged with tears, "Masters, please let me go. My daughter is seriously ill and hospitalized. I really have no money to compensate you."

"It's none of my business that your daughter was hospitalized. Anyway, you broke my stuff, and I'll make you pay. Otherwise, I'll take you to the police station. The chief is my cousin. Once you go in, don't even think about coming back!"

The porcelain-touching man had an indifferent expression on his face, and stared at the woman fiercely.

The woman trembled in fright, and shook her head hastily, "I can't go to the police station, my daughter is in the hospital and I need to take care of her, please, let me go, how much do you want me to pay?"

"Seeing how pitiful you are, Lord, I will be merciful. If you do a good deed today, you can just pay 3000 yuan as you like!" The Pengci man said with a "compassionate and sympathetic" face.

"Can it be less? I have to pay my daughter's hospital fee. The doctor said that if I can't raise any more money, I will send my daughter out of the hospital." The woman begged with tears all over her face, "Brother, I will give you the money." 100 yuan, please let me go, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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