Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 814 The Effect of Reading in a Prestigious School

Chapter 814 The Effect of Reading in a Prestigious School
From Zeng Tianhua's mouth, Yang Zimei learned that the Zeng family is one of the four great families in the capital. Although it has declined a bit recently, it is a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse. It still has a certain influence in China's political economy.

Before retiring, Zeng Tianhua was the director of the Provincial Department of Education, in charge of the education system.

Moreover, he also likes to gamble on stones, and he has a certain status in the stone betting world, because the probability of gambling is relatively high, and he is honored as the gambling master by the people in this street.

And his four sons and daughters also have their own achievements, and with the influence of the background of the Zeng family in the capital, they all get along like ducks in water.

"Niuniu, you don't want to stay in a small place like City A anymore. You can all move here in Guangyuan, so that I can take good care of you. Don't worry about your dad's job. As long as he wants, I'll get him a principal. It doesn't matter."

Zeng Tianhua said in a tone that he was used to the superior.

Although Yang Zimei knew that he really wanted to take care of his family, but this kind of tone made people feel a little uncomfortable.

If it was her last life, if she could meet such an uncle, she would be happy to fawn on him, waiting for him to pave the way for her life.

However, she doesn't need him to do this now, she can pave her family's road.

Although parents know that they have a lot of money and it is easy to get money, they insist on working hard and don't want to rely on her. This is their self-esteem.

Naturally, he would not accept this kind of help from his uncle.

"Uncle, thank you for your kindness. We are still living well in City A." Yang Zimei politely refused.

"What's better? In City A, it's so far away. I can't even take care of you if I want to, but it's different in Guangyuan. You can do whatever you want. I thought I didn't know you, but now I know, but I can't let it go." You have a difficult life."

Zeng Tianhua took it for granted.

Yang Zimei smiled helplessly, she was kind, and she couldn't say anything, so she just pursed her lips and smiled, drinking tea and eating with her head down.

"Niuniu, you just said that you came to Guangyuan with your husband. What kind of husband is it? At your age, shouldn't you be in the third year of junior high school? Now it's about to take the high school entrance examination, how can you run around?"

Zeng Tianhua asked.

"Uncle, it's my teacher who studies antiques. He's sick, and I want to take care of him. I'm indeed in the third year of junior high school, but my grades are not bad, and I study hard every day. It's okay. I will definitely pass the senior high school entrance examination." Good grades."

Yang Zimei explained.

"You also study antiques. No wonder your temperament is different from other people's. You have a kind of classical temperament, which is not bad. Niuniu, how about this? In a small place like City A, your education will not be so good. You come here Go to high school. I will let you enter Guangyuan Middle School. This is one of the key middle schools in the country. The teachers and equipment are first-class. Many wealthy businessmen and high-ranking officials have sharpened their heads and want to send their children to study here. You will definitely benefit a lot if you come here to study. If you are shallow, it doesn’t matter if you can’t keep up with your studies. You can build a first-class network here. Your classmates will become the pillars of the country. If you want to work in the future, you will have such a network It's easy to do anywhere."

Zeng Tianhua said earnestly.

Only now did Yang Zimei understand why those officials and businessmen who clearly had their children studying poorly compared to other people still chose to study in those key schools. It turned out that it was not for the sake of studying, but for the purpose of being able to make extraordinary classmate relationships and for future contacts. netted.

It seems that I am really too naive.

(End of this chapter)

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