Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 821 Gambling Stone

Chapter 821 Gambling Stone (4)

"Hey, Miss Zhou, long time no see, I thought you were not interested in the stone gambling industry anymore?"

Murong Yunqing put on the face of a businessman and warmly greeted him.

Zhou Jieying smiled at him reservedly, "Mr. Murong was joking, how could I, Zhou Jieying, as the disciple of the God of Gamblers, quit the stone gambling world?"

"That's true. You are our little gambling god on Stone Street. Today, having you here in our store is really flourishing and bringing great prosperity."

Murong Yunqing nodded.

"Last time, Ms. Zhou unraveled a piece of ice violet, which dazzled the eyes of our entire antique street, allowing us to witness the birth of a top-quality emerald. Thanks to Ms. Zhou."

Another person beside him stepped forward and said.

Many other people also highly praised Zeng Jieying last time, saying that she will be a new generation of God of Gamblers.

Murong Yunqing looked at Yang Zimei's side.

Yang Zimei just looked at Zhou Jieying indifferently, without any change in the color of her eyes, neither envious nor contemptuous, just looking at an unrelated person.

If one were to choose a new generation of stock gods, Murong Yunqing felt that Yang Zimei would be more suitable than anyone else.

Although Zhou Jieying has learned the knowledge and skills of gambling from the God of Gamblers since she was a child, and has certain attainments, her luck is still not comparable to that of Yang Zimei.

Yang Zimei didn't seem to understand anything, but she had performed miracles in his store twice.

He didn't think it was just her luck, but he just thought she should be hiding her secrets and pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Now, he is looking forward to Yang Zimei's quick unraveling of the two pieces of wool she just picked out. He believes that one of them will definitely surprise people.

Zhou Jieying casually chatted with others, followed Murong Yunqing's gaze to Yang Zimei.

Seeing Yang Zimei, for some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Especially when he noticed that Murong Yunqing's eyes glanced at her from time to time.

"Who is that sister?"

Zhou Jieying looked at Yang Zimei and asked Murong Yunqing with provocative eyes.

"Old relative, my old friend." Murong Yunqing replied.

"Your old friend?"

Zhou Jieying's tone became a little more comfortable, "She's a little girl, what kind of friend is she?"

"Hehe, Miss Zhou, it doesn't matter what age you are when you make friends."

Murong Yunqing said with a smile, "Since Miss Zhou is here, let's pick out wool as soon as possible. Let's chat when we have time."

After speaking, he turned around to greet other guests.

Zhou Jieying looked at his back, with a trace of nostalgia in her beautiful eyes.

Yang Zimei saw Zhou Jieying walking towards her, and she didn't want to get shot inexplicably and be pretended to be a rival in love to cause trouble, so she stood beside Zeng Tianhua.

Zeng Tianhua was inspecting a large piece of wool at this time.

There was a gap in the wool, revealing a green emerald facet.

However, this emerald cut surface is covered with ringworm, as if a big black mole had grown on the beauty's face, which turned into a big failure.

"Uncle, what effect will this ringworm have?"

Yang Zimei asked Zeng Tianhua incomprehensibly, "Is it worth gambling?"

"Judging from the green color, this is high-grade ice jadeite, which is very valuable. The bad thing is that this ringworm occupies more than half of the country, and it is afraid that it will penetrate into the whole piece of jadeite and destroy the good jadeite. Ringworm eats green, which is dead ringworm. But if the ringworm doesn’t penetrate deep and can be separated from the jade, or if the ringworm goes with the green, it’s worth the gamble.”

Zeng Tianhua explained.

(End of this chapter)

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