Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 828 Raise the bet

Chapter 828 Raise the bet (1)

Everyone's eyes turned to Yang Zimei, only to find that she could cut the piece of wool neatly, but the way she cut it was really unflattering.

She completely regarded the woolen material as waste stone, and directly cut everything in the middle with a cutter, Zeng Tianhua was terrified when she saw it, and hurriedly stopped her and said, "Niuniu, you can't cut woolen material like this, if there is any emerald, it will be destroyed by you! "

"Uncle, isn't there no jade?"

Yang Zimei pretended to be innocent and said, holding a knife and continuing to dismantle the piece of wool.

"Haha, my sister, it seems that you really deserve to be a country girl. You have the strength to cut such a strong wool material like this. It's a pity that a country girl is a country girl and doesn't understand anything."

Zhou Jieying sneered from the side, "Aren't you afraid that if you cut it like this, your uncle and Mr. Murong will go bankrupt?"


Yang Zimei grinned at her, "My purpose is just to make you and those who support you go bankrupt. As for my uncle and Mr. Murong, I don't think they will go bankrupt."

"Do you think you are a fairy? Can you control the game?"

Zhou Jieying looked contemptuously at Yang Zimei's remaining five pieces of wool, "You want to beat me with your last five small and ugly pieces of wool? Stop daydreaming, go home early and start farming , less embarrassing."

"I just like to be ashamed, so what?"

Yang Zimei raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't we raise the bet? 1000 million is really too little!"

"Raise? You have money?"

Zhou Jieying squinted at her, "I want to raise my bet, just because I'm afraid you can't afford to lose to me. Then don't sell yourself to make money, tsk tsk, I think, even if you sell yourself, you won't be able to sell much, right? Celebrities can only buy hundreds of thousands of dollars once.”

"I can lend her money!"

Murong Yunqing spoke from the side.

"Mr. Murong, are you out of your mind?" Zhou Jieying saw Murong Yunqing helping Yang Zimei over and over again, so she became angry and said indiscriminately.

"Miss Zhou, it has nothing to do with you whether my brain is flooded, right?"

Murong glanced at her lightly, then turned to look at Yang Zimei, "Xiaomei, how much do you want to borrow?"

"Two hundred million."

As soon as Yang Zimei's voice came out, everyone present jumped in fright, and then the whole audience burst into an uproar.

"Two hundred million? Is there a mistake? Does this little girl have any concept of money? Does she think that it is a coin that can be printed at any time?"

"It's obvious that she's about to lose, but she's still holding on, yet Mr. Murong is helping her go crazy together. It's really inexplicable."

Zeng Tianhua's eyelids twitched when he heard the number reported by Yang Zimei.

Even if he lost all his net worth, he would only have more than 1 million yuan.

"Niu Niu, don't mess around, [-] million is not a joke." He said to Yang Zimei nervously.

Yang Zimei smiled, turned to look at Murong Yunqing, "Mr. Murong, do you have so much money to lend me?"

"I don't have any cash, but this shop, together with the raw materials here, is enough to mortgage [-] million." Murong Yunqing said.

"That's good."

Yang Zimei turned to look at Zhou Jieying, "Miss Zhou, [-] million, can you afford it?"

When Zhou Jieying heard that Murong Yunqing wanted to mortgage all the woolen materials of the store to help Yang Zimei, she was so angry that she lost her mind, "I have three hundred properties under my name, why can't I afford to bet on them?"

"Oh, so it's the house sister!"

Yang Zimei said with a look of sudden realization, "No wonder our Huaxia's housing prices have risen so fast. It turns out that it is in your hands, admiration!"

Zhou Jieying heard the sarcasm in her tone, and her face flushed with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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