Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 833 Feng Zhang Road Turning

Chapter 833 Turning around (1)

Seeing this situation, Zeng Tianhua's fingers were slightly cold, and he cried out inwardly.

Zhou Jieying on the side saw that what she extracted was just a piece of ringworm-eating green jadeite, and the ringworm was all over it, so she couldn't help laughing, "Haha, I thought I would get the best jadeite, but it turned out to be a piece of pockmark, it's really ugly!"

Other onlookers also booed.

Yang Zimei ignored the boos of the others, but dipped the jadeite into the clear water dish, washed off the stone dust on it, and picked it up again.

After washing with water, the emerald becomes clear.

The green is elegant and elegant, and the black is deep and heavy, like black clouds floating in the sky. The distribution is extremely artistic, and it does not affect the beauty of the entire emerald at all, but it has a sense of ingenuity.

She picked up the emerald and shone it towards the sun...

The emerald, which is as transparent as ice, glows charmingly under the sunlight.

"Niuniu, what an emerald!"

Zeng Tianhua patted his legs and was overjoyed, "This ingenious way of eating green jade is really a unique and superb product?"

Even the appraiser at the side couldn't wait to ask Yang Zimei to show him the jadeite.

Other jade merchants who were onlookers also smelled the business opportunities brought by this unique piece of jadeite, and flocked to watch it, the more they looked at it, the more amazed they became.

"The shape of this piece of jadeite is excellent. With this unique green belt and black color, it can be processed into a unique jade plate with a little sculpture."

The appraiser fondly touched the piece of jadeite, "I have appraised jadeite for more than 20 years, and I have never seen ringworm eat green so skillfully."

"What is its estimated value?" Someone asked.

"This value cannot be estimated, it depends on the buyer's wishes."

The appraiser put the emerald under the sunlight, "Collectables are all about uniqueness, this emerald is so unique, it may fetch a sky-high price! As for the upper limit, I roughly estimate that it may reach [-] million!"


Everyone shouted and regretted, why didn't they bet on Zeng Tianhua's side?And the odds are five to one.

The dealer Huang Deshou's face turned blue.

At this time, a pleasant cry came from Zhou Jieying, "It's green! It's green!"

Everyone's eyes turned to that side again.

At the incision of the wool that was only seen halfway, there was a green section the size of a baby's palm, and the color looked very positive and very green.

Zhou Jieying hurriedly scooped up a spoonful of water and poured it carefully to wash away the stone dust covering the green.

This emerald green has a glass luster, a fine texture, and looks pure and flawless. The color is very pure, bright, rich, and even, as if all the green in the world is concentrated on it.

"Old Pit Glass Emperor Green!"

Someone gasped and cried out.

Those who had placed Zhou Jieying's bet, who had been frustrated because Yang Zimei had unraveled a unique piece of ringworm to eat green jadeite, began to rejoice.

The dealer Huang De's bluish face also returned to rosy, he recovered his breath, and cursed inwardly: This stinky bitch is quite lucky, and she actually drives the emperor green.

The emperor green of Laokeng glass is the best jadeite, rare in the world!
Jewelry made of imperial green, even if it is only the size of a fingernail, can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If Zhou Jieying can solve a fist-sized imperial green jadeite this time, it will probably shock the entire stone gambling world and become a good story.

It is also a great blessing and good luck to watch the birth of Emperor Green!
Everyone's eyes have been completely diverted from the piece of jade on Yang Zimei's side, and they are quietly looking at the imperial green here, waiting for its amazing birth.

(End of this chapter)

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