Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 838 The Biggest Loser

Chapter 838 The Biggest Loser (2)

At first glance, he looks gentle and elegant like a noble son, but upon closer inspection, he finds that there is a dark temperament hidden in him that other ordinary men do not have.

The two temperaments form a strong feeling in him, which is fascinating.

As the first daughter of Guangyuan, and a well-known disciple of the God of Gamblers, she is also extremely smart and beautiful, so her eyes are too high, and she never pays attention to the pursuit of other men.

However, for Murong Yunqing, the proud girl fell in love at first sight.

And he was also enthusiastic about her, but it was no different from entertaining other big customers.

She thought he was just playing a close-knit tactic.

She thinks that she is so outstanding that all men will have a good impression of her as long as they see her.

Murong Yunqing should do the same.

It's a pity that Murong Yunqing didn't stay in Guangyuan for a long time, so it was a bit difficult for her to see him.

Now that I saw it, I saw that his relationship with another girl seemed to be very good.

And the girl gave her a strong sense of threat.

She had to admit that Yang Zimei's skin was better than hers, her face was more delicate than hers, and her figure was more elegant than hers.

However, she believes that she has a better temperament and taste than Yang Zimei, and she is rich and talented!
Therefore, he wanted to defeat Yang Zimei through this stone betting, and prove to Murong Yunqing that he was the one who was most admired and most worthy of her liking.

Unexpectedly, things developed in the opposite direction.

Yang Zimei became the biggest winner!

But she lost completely, was extremely embarrassed, completely lost her manners in front of everyone, and turned into a crazy woman, whom Murong Yunqing hated.

She really hated Yang Zimei!
Seeing Yang Zimei's calm smile, she wanted to tear her face apart.

"Miss Zhou, you don't want to renege on the two hundred million bets, do you? Or maybe you, the mighty daughter of the mayor, can't afford the two hundred million? What about your several hundred properties?"

Yang Zimei joked.

The dog meat of the rich family stinks, and there are frozen bones on the road!
The price increase in this city is more or less related to these house sisters and house masters who hold hundreds of houses in their hands.

Because of this, many people have no way to buy a house and can only live a miserable life of renting a house.

She has experienced displacement and poverty in her previous life, and she knows the pain of being without a fixed place.

So, no matter what, she wanted Zhou Jieying to spit out the hundreds of houses she got through money and power transactions!

Zhou Jieying is still a person with backbone, not to mention, the bet between the two has already gone to the notary office, and she can't deny it even if she wants to.

She asked people to bring all her real estate certificates, plus her savings, a total of [-] million yuan was paid to Yang Zimei.

And Murong Yunqing also forced Huang De to pay five times the bet, and put all the money he earned into the account of his shop assistant.

Those guys were ecstatic and grateful to Murong Yunqing and Yang Zimei.

The other people who bet on Zhou Jieying were all frustrated and disappointed, screaming and vomiting blood.

Fortunately, the bet was not much, and the loss was not too great.

Yang Zimei and Murong Yunqing were the biggest winners in this game that ended in comedy.

The worst losers were Zhou Jieying and Huang De.

Huang Deshou, who has always been a dealer and earns money, suffered a big loss this time. He was so angry that he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and vowed that he would never let that stinky bitch Zhou Jieying go.

After Zhou Jieying handed over everything, she glared at Yang Zimei with extreme resentment, "Don't be complacent, one day, I will double the humiliation you gave me today!"

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Yang Zimei replied lightly.

Her indifferent attitude made Zhou Jieying annoyed again, as if being bitten by ten thousand poisonous snakes in her heart.

[Although Xixi is relatively slow, he still insists on five or six changes every day. If you like it, remember to rate this article with 5 points, thank you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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