Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 843 Deputy Secretary Huang

Chapter 843 Deputy Secretary Huang (3)

"What happened? My baby Niuniu will save you?" 
Seeing that Yang Zimei was fine, Zeng Tianhua turned to ask Huang Huasen.

Huang Huasen simply told what happened just now.

After hearing this, Zeng Tianhua became nervous again, looked at Yang Zimei, and said angrily, "Niu Niu, don't you know that your life is precious? How dare you rush out to save others, if you get hurt, how should I explain to Xiaohui?"

Hearing his words, Yang Zimei was embarrassed.

Saying such things in front of the rescued Huang Huasen, my uncle is really enough to protect me!
Huang Huasen also looked at Zeng Tianhua in surprise.

He has known Zeng Tianhua for decades, and he never knew that he could treasure someone so much.

Usually, he always has a cold face towards his daughter and granddaughter, so why is he so precious to this cousin's granddaughter?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zeng, it's all my fault, I almost hurt Zimei."

Huang Huasen hastily apologized.


Zeng Tianhua responded and looked at him, "How could a van hit you on purpose? Who did you offend?"

Huang Huasen sank his eyes, thought for a while, looked up at Zeng Tianhua and said, "Mr. Zeng, let's talk about this in private."

Zeng Tianhua nodded, "Well, then be careful, my little girl just saved you today, so I won't know next time."


Huang Huasen's face was gloomy, and his mind was heavy.

In the past few days, his eyelids have been twitching, and he always has an ominous premonition, but he didn't expect it to come true today.

Someone must be trying to put him to death. Who is it?

At this time, his driver received a call, said a few words, and then handed him the phone, "Secretary Huang, it's a call from the police station, saying that the van has been found."

Huang Huasen hastily picked up the phone, "I'm Huang Huasen, what's the situation?"

"Secretary Huang, the van that intentionally caused the accident was found in the Zhujiang River. At that time, some witnesses said that a man in black, with a sun hat and sunglasses jumped out of the van in a hurry, causing the van to fall directly. Entering the Zhujiang River, because the river was submerged, all the fingerprints of the driver were wiped out, and until now, there is still no way to find the perpetrator, I am really sorry."

explained the police chief.

"Don't tell me I'm sorry! If your police station can't even find an intentional murderer, what use are you for?"

Huang Huasen yelled angrily, "Immediately increase the police force to look for me, if I can't find it, don't even think about wearing the director's hat!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

The chief of police over there shook his hand holding the phone slightly.

Hastily called on the police to increase the scope of the search and look for suspicious persons.

"Watson, take care of yourself. If you need help, you can tell me. I will send my girl back first."

Zeng Tianhua didn't want Yang Zimei to be exposed to the dark side, fearing that her young heart would be frightened, so he told Huang Huasen.

If Yang Zimei knew what he was thinking, he would definitely laugh.

In the past few months, she has experienced the dark side no less than anyone else, and she has long been numb and used to it.

"Okay, Mr. Zeng, goodbye, I'm going back to the office too."

Suffering from such a thing, Huang Huasen could no longer have the leisure to do any private visits to the streets with a micro-service. He also got into his special car, hurried back to the office, sorted out his thoughts, and found out who wanted to do something to him.

(End of this chapter)

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