Chapter 847
Seeing his doubts, Yang Zimei hurriedly explained, "Mr. Song, he is my uncle. We just met each other on the street."

"So that's the case."

Song Xuan nodded with a clear expression, "Xiaomei, your luck is really unbelievable. If you go shopping casually, you can still recognize an uncle."

"Haha, in this world, if there is a destiny between people, even if they go around a long way, they will meet each other."

Zeng Tianhua smiled happily.

"Uncle Zeng is right." Song Xuan nodded, and welcomed Zeng Tianhua into the living room to sit.

"You really haven't changed here for decades."

Zeng Tianhua looked around and sat down.

Sadako stepped forward to make tea for him.

Sadako makes tea very professionally, with elegant movements, and she interprets the essence of the tea ceremony very well. Watching her make tea is like admiring an art.

Zeng Tianhua thought that Zhenzi was Song Xuan's wife, so he didn't ask her too much, but felt that she looked so similar to Yang Zimei.

After eating, Zeng Tianhua saw that Yang Zimei got along well with others here, so he decided to go back with confidence.

"Uncle, this is a gift from me, I hope you can wear it on your body all the time."

When Zeng Tianhua was chatting with Song Xuan just now, she entered the room with an excuse, and from her storage ring, she selected a piece of zodiac jade carved before, which contained relatively rich jade, and filled it with amulets for protection and herself. A touch of vitality.

If Zeng Tianhua had been wearing this piece of jade all the time, she would be able to vaguely feel it when there was danger.

Zeng Tianhua took the piece of jade and saw that it was a zodiac rooster, so he smiled and said, "You ghost, how do you know that Uncle is a rooster?"

"Hey, I guess."

Yang Zimei smiled slyly, "Uncle, I personally sculpted this and gave it to you. You must wear it all the time, otherwise, I will be angry."

"Niu Niu, you carved it yourself. Although the carver is average, he won the heart of my uncle. My uncle will definitely wear it well."

After Zeng Tianhua finished speaking, he hung the jade around his neck.

"Thank you uncle!"

Yang Zimei smiled with satisfaction.

"Uncle should thank you for giving me such a precious gift."

Zeng Tianhua reached out and touched her head, "Uncle is really reluctant to let you go here!"

"Ha ha--"

Faced with Zeng Tianhua's kindness, Yang Zimei's heart was moved again. She saw him drive away before entering the house.

"Sister, tell me quickly, what happened to you when you went to have sex alone today, and why you brought an uncle back."

Xiaoqian saw her and immediately pestered her to ask.

Yang Zimei also told what happened in Antique Street and Gambling Stone Street today.

"I didn't expect that there would be a woman like Zhou Jieying in this world. When she meets her sister, she deserves to lose."

Xiaoqian gloated.

"Hehe, because of her, your sister and I have become house sisters!"

Yang Zimei smiled and took out the proof of the two hundred houses that Zhou Jieying had transferred to her.

"Wow, sis, you are amazing, give me one!"

Xiaoqian yelled.

Song Xuan took those real estate certificates to look at, and said in awe, "These places are all prime locations and high-end residential areas. Why does she own so many real estate?"

"Waiting for appreciation to speculate on real estate."

Yang Zimei knows that although the current housing price in GY City is 2013 to [-] square meters, in a few years, when the real estate boom, the housing price here will soar to [-] to [-], and even reach [-] to [-] by [-].

(End of this chapter)

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