Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 849 Dirty political struggle

Chapter 849 Dirty political struggle (2)

Yang Zimei was fine, so she pricked up her ears to listen to his bragging.

As for the battle between Huang Huasen and Zhou Qiang for the secretary, he said no less than five times.

The saint is king!
At that time, Zhou Qiang couldn't compete with Huang Huasen, and in the end he was ordered to become the mayor of City B, while Huang Huasen's official career was prosperous all the way!
Although what she said was very simple, Zeng Tianhua was not ignorant of the struggle between the two, but he didn't know that Secretary Li Ningjie was going to be transferred to the provincial party committee. So far, there didn't seem to be any news. This girl Yang Zimei already knows?

"Niuniu, who told you this? Is it your Mr. Song?"

Zeng Tianhua asked curiously.

"No, I guessed it."

Yang Zimei replied, and said to Zeng Tianhua in a very solemn tone, "Uncle, I have a strong sixth sense, you have to trust me. The reason why I won today's stone betting is also because of my sixth sense! Today, when I saw Secretary Huang, I felt strongly that his end might be approaching, and you, uncle, might be implicated by him."


Zeng Tianhua fell into silence.

Without today's stone gambling miracle, Zeng Tianhua would not have believed what she said.

Even the most sophisticated instruments can't detect whether there is jade in the wool, but her judgment rate is 50.00% accurate, and she even guessed that it will solve the best jade.

All of this cannot be done with superb stone gambling skills. The only explanation is the terrifying sixth sense that is difficult to explain scientifically.

And think of her house of freaks!

The baby less than one year old talks like an adult, and the fox dog is full of aura, which makes people feel like a Sadako who is not a person in this world.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

Yang Zimei must have her own peculiarities, which is why she got together with those people.

Is it because of that strong sixth sense?
"Uncle, listen to me, don't have a close relationship with Huang Huasen, and be regarded as a thorn in the side, okay? You are the uncle I have worked so hard to recognize. I don't want you to have trouble because of this."

Yang Zimei was half coquettish, half persuading, "And the matter about Huang Huasen is beyond your control. What you have to do now is to protect yourself wisely."

"Well, uncle listens to you."

Zeng Tianhua's heart was heavy when she said that.

He is not one of those naive people who think that political struggle is a clean struggle.

The reason why the Zeng family once flourished in the capital declined later was the result of political struggle.

His father was removed from the political arena by his political opponents with dirty means, and even put to death. If it weren't for the four of them, who were not in the political arena, they probably would have been doomed.

He is also very clear about the character of the current mayor, Zhou Qiang, who can be described as a "hypocrite".

People who don't know him, seeing that he usually wears plain clothes, has a honest and honest farmer's face, speaks in a serious manner, and occasionally does activities for the people, without putting on airs, thinks that he is a very good official and is well received. Praise.

In fact, he did a lot of dirty things behind the scenes, including the money, power and sex transactions that Huang Deshou said that day.

In addition, the more than 200 real estate properties of his single daughter Zhou Jieying are enough to prove this.

This is already an open secret in their circle, but no one has broken it.

Those kind and naive ordinary people who are blinded by superficial phenomena will naively think that he is just a good official of Zhou Qingtian, but in fact he is a big conspiracy who eats people without spit out bones.

(End of this chapter)

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