Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 855 Little Missing

Chapter 855 Xiaoqian Missing (2)

Yang Zimei's heart was in a mess.

Ripple ran over and said that no trace was found.

She got into the car, drove around to search, turned all over the streets and alleys, but found nothing.

"How could I lose Xiaoqian? Where did Xiaoqian go?"

Not finding Xiaoqian, Yang Zimei's mind was in turmoil.

Xiaoqian has a special background, so she can't figure out his whereabouts.

She suddenly regretted that she threw Xiaoqian down to save others just now.

No matter what, Xiaoqian is still a baby now, no matter how smart his brain is, his body has no strength.

Let's hope he's just taken by a normal human trafficker.

She believed that with Xiaoqian's intelligence, she could still deal with ordinary traffickers.

The fear is that he will meet some bad guys who know magic, such as the ghost descendant.

Xiaoqian's whole body is full of aura, which is a very good ghost drop for a ghost drop master.

Thinking of the two ghost descendants he met that day, Yang Zimei's heart became heavier.

She called Zeng Tianhua, asking him to help find the police to search for people.

She also reported to the police just now, and the police station simply asked her to make a statement, saying that they would tell her if they found the child.

She can't place more hopes on the police station's ability to handle affairs. After all, she has no foundation here, and no one will care about her.

No matter what, Zeng Tianhua has some influence here, and it will definitely be much faster to ask the police station to handle the matter.

However, Zeng Tianhua's cell phone was turned off.

She can only pin her hopes on An Shi.

As soon as An Shi heard her call, he immediately called the chief of police. Who knows, the chief of police also shut down his phone, and when he called other relevant personnel with certain powers, all of them turned off miraculously.

This made him very suspicious.

Today is actually the hardest day for the police department.

First, deputy secretary Huang Huasen was deliberately hit by a car on the street, and the suspect could not be found, but was scolded by the secretary for ineffectiveness and incompetence.

Then, Mayor Zhou's daughter had a traffic accident, hit and injured two people and then fled, and she is nowhere to be seen now.

The entire police department was overwhelmed with these two things, and some reporters kept calling to ask about the situation.

They simply turned off their mobile phones to avoid hearing some difficult sounds.

An Shi found the police station himself.

The director said helplessly to him, "Chairman An, it's not that we don't worry about the missing baby, but that our current police force has almost all been dispatched to investigate the case, so we really can't take this matter into consideration. Don't worry, don't worry. After we finish the current emergency, we will definitely try our best to help you find the baby, please go back, Chairman An, and stop hindering us from doing business, we are really busy."

An Shi had no choice but to report the matter to Yang Zimei, and promised to send out all the employees of the company to find the person, and those who found them would be rewarded.

Yang Zimei searched the streets and alleys several times, but there was still no trace, so she had no choice but to return to Song's house.

The night is already deep.

Yang Zimei feebly pushed open the door of the mansion.

She really hoped that as soon as she stepped into the door, she could immediately hear Xiaoqian's joyful call.

However, the courtyard was quiet, only Sadako was waiting under the tree.

"Sadako, is Xiaoqian back? Is he asleep?"

Yang Zimei asked Zhenzi, and then hoped that she would answer "yes".

"Master, Xiaoqian hasn't come back, and I've searched many places, but I can't find it."

Sadako said with a sad tone.

(End of this chapter)

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