Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 858 That Old Lady

Chapter 858 That Old Lady (1)

After praying to God, Yang Zimei couldn't calm herself down.

If Xiaoqian couldn't be found, she would suffer from anxiety.

After acupuncture and moxibustion for Song Xuan, it was only after four o'clock in the morning, and she was about to go out to find Xiaoqian.

"Rianyi, you can stay with Mr. Song at home, I'm afraid that something unexpected will cause you to be lost again."

Lianyi looks so cute, because of the catastrophe, its spiritual power is also restrained and cannot be used. Except for mind reading and writing, other abilities are probably similar to ordinary puppies.

It looks so cute, it's hard to guarantee that it won't be picked up by some bad-hearted people.

What's more, a densely populated and complicated metropolis like Guangyuan is really complicated.

Ripple can read minds, so she naturally understood her thoughts and pain, so she nodded to reassure her.

Yang Zimei hugged it and went out.

People in big cities are used to going to bed late and getting up late.

Usually there is a lot of traffic, and the bustling streets are empty and deserted. Except for the occasional car passing by, there are also early cleaners.

In order to find Xiaoqian conveniently in the streets and alleys, Yang Zimei did not drive, but took the way of walking to conduct a blanket search.

She ran extremely fast, as if a group of white shadows flashed by in an instant.

Occasionally, one or two cleaners saw her figure, blinked their eyes, but found that she was gone, thought they had encountered a ghost, and trembled a few times in fright.

Yang Zimei unknowingly found the old town of GY City.

This old town is not the kind of residential old town where Song Xuan is located, but an old industrial town, all of which have been abandoned. On those dark old walls, there are bright red characters written everywhere.

Because the popularity is rare, and the age is relatively long, it is haunted by evil spirits.

As soon as Yang Zimei walked in, she felt that the temperature here was much lower than outside.

The floor of the alley here still retains the bluestone floor that was hundreds of years ago. Few people walk on it, and it is covered with moss everywhere.

When Yang Zimei was looking around, he suddenly heard the sound of someone wearing clogs stepping on the ground from the depths of the alley...

kick him...tap...tap...

The wooden clogs stepped on the bluestone slab and came from the side of the alley, which seemed particularly long, clear and ear-piercing.

Yang Zimei also found that the time interval and intensity of the kicking sound seemed to be the same, as if the person walking was specifically measuring his steps while walking.

If it is an ordinary person, this kind of footsteps is impossible.

Yang Zimei thought of Qing Yun, the undead man that day.

The interval and weight of his steps are also measured by the most precise instruments, so accurate that there is no deviation.

She performed lightness kung fu, ran over following the sound of clogs, and then saw a strange scene.

I saw an old lady whose back was facing her, wearing an ordinary black dress, but wearing a pair of Japanese clogs on her feet, constantly lifting her feet, lowering her feet, raising her feet, lowering her feet...

But he didn't even take a step!

She seemed to be just enjoying the sound of clogs hitting the ground!
What is this old lady doing?

Yang Zimei felt baffled and didn't want to be troublesome, just about to leave and continue looking for Xiaoqian, but found that the old lady turned around suddenly.

Seeing the old lady's face, Yang Zimei was a little stunned.

This old lady is none other than the old lady who proudly spent more than one billion at the jewelry fair that day to get the blue star of the Jingming family.

(End of this chapter)

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