Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 866 Uncle Dangerous

Chapter 866 Uncle Dangerous (2)

"What about the money?"

Yang Zimei heard the woman talking again.

She pointed her ears and heard the voice on the phone saying, "Don't worry, I will transfer 100 million to your account right now, and I will arrange for you to go to the United States after you perform all the tricks."

"Thank you."

After the woman finished the phone call calmly, she changed into that extremely nervous and terrified expression, and continued to walk around the door.

Hearing the conversation between them, Yang Zimei had already made it clear.

Uncle was bullied, and wanted to completely break him down.

As a person with a reputation and a certain status, if such an unsightly thing happened to the reporter, the entire Zeng family would definitely be turned upside down.

What's more, the reporters who came here must have been bribed, and those who came prepared would definitely write scribbles.

At that time, what will happen to uncle's face?

She absolutely can't let her uncle be crushed like this.

His brows were frowned, and the sinister air popped out from his fingers, and he shot straight into the woman's forehead.

The woman immediately had a demented face, drooling from the corner of her mouth, and walked up to Yang Zimei foolishly.

Yang Zimei reached out and took out her uncle and her cell phone.

He put a spell on her forehead with his fingers, controlled her thinking, and then made her leave in a daze.

She called up the call log just now and made a call.

"what happened again?"

A strange male voice came from the phone, impatiently, "Prepare how to answer the reporter to ruin the old man surnamed Zeng, and I will transfer 100 million to your account immediately after the matter is completed."

Yang Zimei hung up the phone.

At this moment, four reporters with cameras in their hands hurried over from the corridor of the hospital.

The evil spirit from Yang Zimei's hand popped out, and shot quietly at their foreheads.

A place like a hospital is a place of yin and cold, and it is easier for the yin and evil spirit to play out.

The four reporters only felt a chill in their foreheads, and then their minds went blank, not understanding what they were doing here.

Yang Zimei issued a spell command to let them disperse...

The reporter problem is temporarily resolved.

But since people want to put uncle to death, there will definitely be others.

And my uncle is now in the emergency room, and his life and death are unknown.

What is his reason?

Myocardial infarction, or cerebral hemorrhage?

Looking at his face before, he didn't look like someone with this disease.

Is there another illness?

At this time, the door of the emergency room opened and the doctor came out.

She stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, how is the patient?"

The doctor saw that she was a child, and looked around, but couldn't find the woman who was sent just now. He frowned slightly and asked, "Little girl, are you a patient?"

"The patient is my uncle!"

Yang Zimei saw the patient being pushed out.

The man lying on the hospital bed with bruises all over his body was her uncle Zeng Tianhua.


She hurried forward, stretched out her hand to touch his pulse, and found that although the pulse was weak, it was not life-threatening, Fang was slightly relieved.

"Your uncle is allergic to penicillin. Fortunately, he didn't take too much, and he was rescued in time. Otherwise, his life would be in danger."

The doctor looked around and asked suspiciously, "Where is your excellency?"

"My lord is not here, I can take care of uncle, if you have something to say, just tell me."

While holding Zeng Tianhua's hand, Yang Zimei quietly infused vitality into him, making his originally weak heart and lungs gradually regain vitality and beat.

(End of this chapter)

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