Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 888 Dirty Struggle

Chapter 888 Dirty Struggle (2)

"It's really like what Niuniu said, a poisonous snake."

Zeng Tianhua looked at Huang Huasen, "Did you tell Secretary Li about this?"

"No. Before we get any evidence, if Secretary Li and I say this, he will definitely accuse me of intentionally attacking Zhou Qiang and have opinions on me."

Huang Huasen shook his head.

"You're right. Before there is no evidence, you can't act rashly."

Zeng Tianhua agreed, and the two began to discuss how to catch Zhou Qiang's clues so that he could be punished.

The two made some plans and were about to leave Lushui Villa, but they saw Zhou Qiang and Secretary Li Ningjie at the door.

"Hey, Deputy Secretary Huang, Mr. Zeng, you two masters and apprentices are happy to be together again. I really envy your master-student relationship, which has not changed for decades."

Seeing them, Zhou Qiang put on a half-hearted smile and shouted loudly.

Li Ningjie on the side glanced at them, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly. Although his expression remained unchanged, Huang Huasen, who had followed him for more than ten years, had long been good at observing his words and emotions. He knew that his behavior was caused by dissatisfaction in his heart. .

His heart sank.

In the past, Li Ningjie didn't care about the relationship between him and Zeng Tianhua.

Now, you are actually dissatisfied with Zhou Qiang's words. Why?
Did Zhou Qiang say something to Li Ningjie before this?
Zeng Tianhua took the initiative to greet Li Ningjie, "Secretary Li, long time no see."

"Old Zeng, long time no see, you really are getting younger and younger."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Li Ningjie's words.

"Hehe, Secretary Li, you are really young and promising. I am just an old man who stepped into a coffin in the sunset of the Western Mountain."

Zeng Tianhua naturally heard the hostility towards him in Li Ningjie's words, and smiled lightly.

During this critical period, Li Ningjie is not something he can offend.

"Oh, Mr. Zeng really knows how to make jokes. If you have something to do, you can talk slowly when you have time."

Li Ningjie chuckled lightly, without saying much, and stepped forward.

No matter what, the Zeng family behind Zeng Tianhua still had an intricate relationship in the capital, and he couldn't make the relationship between the two of them too rigid.

Zeng Tianhua and Huang Huasen looked at Li Ningjie's back, feeling overwhelmed. They couldn't figure out why Li Ningjie, who was always friendly to them, was like this today.

After Zhou Qiang sent Li Ningjie into a wing room, he came out and saw the two people who hadn't left yet. They walked over with smiles on their faces, "Deputy Secretary Huang, Mr. Zeng, Secretary Li's attitude towards you today is so good. Isn't it surprising?"

"Is there something wrong with you behind your back?"

Huang Huasen asked coldly.

"Haha, how dare I play tricks behind Secretary Li's back?"

Zhou Qiang laughed, "It's just that Mr. Zeng did something wrong."

Zeng Tianhua looked at him.

"Old Zeng, do you know..."

Zhou Qiang put his mouth close to Zeng Tianhua's ear, "Yihong is also Secretary Li's woman."

When Zeng Tianhua heard it, his face changed instantly, "What did you say?"

"Haha, I didn't say anything. I just want to tell you that Yihong is not just a pure and kind woman as you imagined."

Zhou Qiang laughed a few times, turned around and entered the wing, leaving Zeng Tianhua trembling all over.

All along, he thought that Yihong was just a pure and poor girl he rescued on the street that day, and he loved and cared for her very much.

But she didn't expect that she would betray herself.

What's more, she didn't expect that she was still a pawn placed by Zhou Qiang beside him and Li Ningjie.

Sharing a woman with others is something that no man can tolerate.

(End of this chapter)

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