Chapter 911 Ge Daxing (2)

"Tsk tsk, Star Ge is really generous, thank you for not fussing with my cousin."

Seeing that he was not angry, Zeng Sihui said very moved.

"Hehe, your cousin is very individual, I like it very much."

Ge Liancheng continued to smile hypocritically.

"Ah? Do you also think my cousin has a personality? Let me tell you, just now Mr. Abe took a fancy to my cousin and invited her to chat with her. It is probably because of her outstanding personality, and my cousin is also very juicy. This skin , there is probably no one in the world who can compare."

Zeng Sihui patted on and on with Ge Liancheng while touching the skin on Yang Zimei's arm enviously.

When he heard that Abe Qiannan and Yang Zimei knew each other, Ge Liancheng's heart twitched countless times.

He examined Yang Zimei carefully.

I found that she had a calm and detached body that ordinary girls don't have, and her eyes were indifferent, as if she had seen all the favor, humiliation and prosperity in the world.

Facing herself as a hot star, she also behaved very calmly.

It must be a girl from some great family.

Thinking of this, the corners of his lips evoked his signature smile, sexy and charming, "It turns out that she is such an extraordinary little sister. It's my luck to meet you today."

"Ge Daxing's kind words really flattered us. We are lucky to know you and see you who is so unassuming."

Zeng Sihui answered hastily.

"Miss Zeng Sihui, right? Can I call you Huihui? Xiao Huihui..."

Seeing that Yang Zimei still had a cold face of rejecting others thousands of miles away, Ge Liancheng turned his target to Zeng Sihui, his voice was low and magnetic, and he heard Zeng Sihui's young girl's spring heart swaying.

"Of course, Huihui, hehe, it's a very emotional call."

Zeng Sihui was fascinated by his call that seemed to be full of affection, Xiao Huihui, holding her cheeks in both hands, looking like a nympho.

Zeng Sihui has been so fascinated by her that she almost lost her soul.

Yang Zimei felt that they could not go on like this.

"Cousin, let's go, uncle is still waiting for us."

After finishing speaking, she forcibly pulled Zeng Sihui away.

Zeng Sihui yelled unwillingly, "Why, I have a good chat with Ge Liancheng, why do I want to chat more?"

"Cousin, how can you say that you are also the eldest lady of the Zeng family, why are you chasing stars? Aren't stars just ordinary people with noses and eyes?"

Yang Zimei rolled his eyes and said.

"Celebrities are more handsome than ordinary people, more dazzling and tasteful than ordinary people, I like to chase stars. I said Niu Niu, you are still not our age, it is no fun not to scream when you see handsome guys, Abe Qiannan That's right, Ge Liancheng is also like this, don't tell me you're so indifferent to handsome guys?"

Zeng Sihui really wanted to knock her cousin's head open to see if her structure was different from others.

Yang Zimei smiled bitterly, she also loves handsome guys, and she will be infatuated when she sees handsome guys.

However, I have no feelings for Abe Qiannan, a female man, nor Ge Liancheng, an actor with a wicked heart. There is nothing that can touch her heartstrings, and she cannot be infatuated.

"Cousin, you'd better stay away from that Ge Liancheng, and don't approach him."

Yang Zimei told Zeng Sihui.

"Hehe, worry too much. Even if I want to approach him, he may not be free to approach me. He is a big star surrounded by beauties. What am I?"

Zeng Sihui said with a smile.

"You are the most precious eldest lady of our Zeng family!" Yang Zimei looked at her seriously and said, "You are also the most precious sister in my heart, not something that those star actors can compare to."

"You are also my most precious sister!"

Zeng Sihui hugged her shoulder happily, "You little guy, you just love to talk sweetly to make sister happy."

(End of this chapter)

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