Chapter 932 Angel Girl (1)

After a farce, Yang Zimei and Xia Mo continued to prepare barbecue materials.

However, Xia Mo was always resentful, scolding how the aunt could be so shameless.

"Hehe, it's all over, why should we waste our tongues for that kind of person?"

Yang Zimei smiled.

"As long as you take good care of me, I will never be reconciled if I don't arrest her and take her to the police station. It's too much. By the way, what does she mean by the [-] million Guan Zhong copper plates?"

Xia Mo asked curiously.

Yang Zimei roughly told what happened.

"Fuck, there is such a person. If you didn't find out, wouldn't the copper plate be used as a cat feeding plate waste? What's more, you also helped her heal her man, and you have the nerve to take things back. Now you even want to It's really shameless to ask you to touch porcelain."

After hearing this, Xia Mo scolded angrily.

"The previous things are understandable. After all, I was also unkind, but I have already returned all the things to her. Now it is a bit unbelievable that I still want to take advantage of me."

Yang Zimei shook his head and said.

"I don't care about her, anyway, this kind of person will definitely end well." Xia Mo saw some indignant expressions on Yang Zimei's face, and turned back to comfort her.

"Well, it's just a little disturbance, let's go buy chicken wings and drumsticks."

When the two came to the chicken stall, they heard the proprietress scolding a girl about eight years old.

"You damn girl, why are you so stupid? You steal my mother's chicken every day and give it to the beggars on the street. What is your plan? Don't you know that it is not easy for my mother to earn a few dollars a day?"

The girl pursed her mouth, lowered her head aggrievedly, and whispered, "Those beggars are so pitiful that they have no food to eat. Anyway, we sell a lot of leftovers every day."

"It's none of our business if they don't have food? Who cares if we don't have food? Why is my mother working so hard to make money? Isn't it just to make enough money early to help you heal your face?"

The proprietress reached out her hand and patted the girl's head angrily, "I've seen such a stupid person before, but I've never seen you so stupid. Give someone else's things from your own home. If you dare to do this again next time, I won't spare you!"

The girl bit her lip and said nothing.

Yang Zimei looked at a piece of the face in front of her that had been scalded by the fire, leaving a large ugly scar, which made her originally pretty face look a bit hideous.

Yang Zimei would never forget this face.

In the previous life, if she had a friend, it would be the girl in front of her.

On countless hungry nights, she brought over steaming chicken legs and wings for herself to eat, and chatted with her, looking at her with compassion.

"Sister Zimei, we are all miserable, you are homeless, my face is so ugly, and no one wants to play with me, my mother originally planned to make enough money to do surgery for me, but After giving birth to my younger brother, she refused to do it for me, saying that it would cost tens of thousands of yuan and she couldn’t do it. My younger brother also called me ugly every day, and my classmates laughed at me, we are all poor people.”

The girl who was 17 years old at the time often said to her sadly.

Yang Zimei was also very sad.

Although the girl in front of her was ugly, in the eyes of the homeless people in City A, she was an angel.

She often brings food to everyone, especially chicken that everyone can't eat often, so that everyone can satisfy their appetite.

(End of this chapter)

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