Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 938 Ugly is the heart

Chapter 938 Ugly is the heart (5)

"You dare to hit me! You stinky girl, I'll never end with you!"

The woman seemed to be splashing, bowed her head to Yang Zimei and bumped into Yang Zimei, who dodged away with Xiaojin in her arms.

She missed something, staggered a few steps and fell to the ground, got up again, and continued to grab Yang Zimei with all her teeth and claws.

The passers-by gathered in a pile, not understanding why such a conflict occurred.

Seeing a lot of people coming, the woman simply sat down on the ground, stomped her short, fat and black legs like a child, and wailed, "What is my fate? I will be punished for giving birth to a son!" This is a bastard girl who came out of nowhere and snatched it away, Master Qingtian, is there anyone to uphold justice..."

"What happened, I'm the police."

A man in police uniform walked in and asked.

This policeman was actually his disciple Huang Yunguo.

Huang Yunguo also saw her and wanted to say hello to her, but found that the situation at the scene seemed to be related to her, so in order to avoid suspicion, he pretended not to know her.

"Master policeman, help me, this girl actually snatched my son in broad daylight, I'm going to fight her!"

When the woman saw Huang Yunguo, she hugged Huang Yunguo's trouser legs and yelled as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

Huang Yunguo moved her hand away, looked at Yang Zimei, and asked in a businesslike manner, "What happened?"

Yang Zimei also thought clearly, and told the story loudly.

When the people around heard that the woman used her disabled son to beg for money for gambling, they were all filled with righteous indignation, accusing the woman of being a wolf and not worthy of being a mother.

Seeing that everyone was supporting Yang Zimei, the woman panicked, so she stood up angrily and shouted loudly, "The child is the flesh that fell from my body. I can do whatever I want. What is it that hinders you?"

Everyone looked contemptuous.

"Your behavior has seriously violated children's physical and mental health, and you are guilty of child abuse. I will take you to the police station now. As for what crime you will be convicted of, it will have to wait for the court to decide."

Huang Yunguo took out the handcuffs, and with a disgusted expression, they slapped the woman's hands.

The woman yelled in panic, "I didn't steal it, and I didn't rob it. Why do you want to arrest me? Let me go, let me go!"

"In this world, stealing doesn't have to be considered a crime."

Huang Yunguo said coldly, "You abused children, which is even more abhorrent than stealing."

"Let go of me, I won't dare anymore, I will treat Xiaojin well, don't arrest me, if you take me away, Xiaojin will have no one to take care of her, and will starve to death."

Women yell.

"My sister will take care of me. I want to be with my sister. I don't want to be with you anymore. You throw me on the street every day as a beggar. If you don't make enough money, you beat me and scold me. If you don't give me food, I don't want you to be like this." mother."

Xiao Jin cried and yelled, and hugged Yang Zimei's neck tightly, sticking to her.

When the onlookers heard what Xiao Jin said, they all sympathized with Xiao Jin's pity and accused the women.

"Xiao Jin, you bastard, how dare you refuse to help me, I will beat you to death!"

The woman glared at Xiao Jin and yelled.

Xiao Jin shrank into a ball in Yang Zimei's arms in fright, "Sister, save me, I don't want to be beaten again!"

Seeing his small body trembling like chaff huddled in his arms, Yang Zimei hugged her tightly and comforted him, "From now on, sister will protect you and never let anyone bully you again!"

"Sister, you are doing well!" Ye Qing gave her a thumbs up appreciatively.

(End of this chapter)

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