Chapter 940 Know Grace (1)

"Sister, mine is going home first."

Ye Qing tugged at the new skirt in a bit of embarrassment, "Sister, I'd better change back to my original clothes, I'm afraid my mother will be unhappy when I go home in this appearance."

"My sister will go home with you. My sister will tell your mother to help you heal the scars on your face and let you live in my house for a while."

Yang Zimei held Xiao Jin in one hand, patted Ye Qing's head and said.

Ye Qing looked at her movedly, "Sister, you want to treat Xiaojin's legs and my face, will you spend a lot of money? Otherwise, you can cure Xiaojin, and mine can be cured slowly." Come."

"It's okay, sister doesn't have any skills, that's all she has."

This Ye Qing was always thinking of others, which moved Yang Zimei sincerely.

"Then... I have to trouble my sister."

Ye Qing nodded guiltily, suddenly remembered something, and took out something from his pocket, "I almost forgot, it's from Xiao Jin's body, I just took it off for him to take a bath."

Seeing that object, Yang Zimei's eyes lit up.

This is actually a mahogany card.

It's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.

I really didn't expect that Xiaojin actually had a mahogany card on his body.

She excitedly took the mahogany card and asked Xiaojin, "Xiaojin, is this yours? Who gave it to you?"

Xiao Jin shook his head, "I don't know, I wear it all the time."

"Then give it to my sister, okay?"

Yang Zimei said happily.

Xiao Jin nodded.

Yang Zimei happily put the mahogany card into her storage ring.

She has been searching hard for the mahogany card. If she hadn't helped Xiao Jin this time, she would have lost the mahogany card again.

It's really kind of me to be rewarded.

Yang Zimei pulled Ye Qing's hand back to her mother's chicken stall.

She bluntly stated that she wanted to take Ye Qing in for a while and help her heal the scars on her face, hoping she would agree.

Ye Qing's mother naturally wouldn't believe that there would be such a big advantage in this world, she looked at her suspiciously, "What is your intention? You don't want to trick Ye Qing from my family, and then dig Are her organs sold?"

Yang Zimei is sweating

Ye Qing's mother also imagined people too badly.

"Auntie, come with me to my house to have a look."

Yang Zimei said sincerely, "Ye Qing is a good girl, we can't let her feel inferior because of the scar on her face, and I have learned medical skills from an old Chinese doctor since I was a child, so I can treat this very well."

"Stop lying to me, even if you started studying medicine from your mother's womb, at such a young age, it's impossible for you to have any superb medical skills."

Ye Qing's mother said.

Yang Zimei took a look at her expression, "Auntie, do you have urinary stones? Is this causing back pain every day?"

"How do you know? Ye Qing told you? This girl is really serious. She tells outsiders everything at home."

Ye Qing's mother scolded Ye Qingdao.

"Sister is not a bad person."

Ye Qing looked at her mother stubbornly, "I believe her."

"Auntie, you have had urinary stones for at least ten years. If you believe me, let me help you treat it now. If it can't be cured, I dare not take Ye Qing away. If you can cure your urinary stones , I hope you believe me, help Ye Qing pack up, and send Ye Qing to my house with me."

Yang Zimei said earnestly.

Ye Qing's mother looked at her, and reached out to touch her waist.

(End of this chapter)

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