Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 951 Sunflowers Are Not Strong

Chapter 951 Sunflowers Are Not Strong
Drinking, singing and chatting, noisy, and then many people began to express their thoughts through a little bit of alcohol, such as who liked who and who, and who had any grievances against who.

Xia Mo really drank too much this time, she leaned weakly on Yang Zimei's body, her face was blushing, she took out her phone and looked at it from time to time, and then put it back in her pocket full of disappointment.

"I'm waiting for Luo Yingjin's call."

Yang Zimei couldn't help asking.

" did you know?"

Xia Mo hiccupped, supported Yang Zimei's shoulders with both hands, and said with red eyes, "I like him so much, what should I do? He doesn't seem to care about me, Zimei, if I can be as good as you That's fine, he definitely won't dislike me."

"Sooner or later he will like you."

Yang Zimei sighed secretly in his heart.

The love between Xia Mo and Luo Yingjin will not come to fruition until she is 35 years old.

I am only 15 years old now, and there are still 20 long years left, in between...


Xia Mo didn't notice the worry in her eyes, but happily grabbed her shoulder and asked, "Have you done the math for us? Are you sure he will like me?"

Yang Zimei looked at her expectant face, and really didn't know what to say.

If she said yes, Xia Mo must continue to love Luo Yingjin obliged to, and suffered a lot in her long-distance love race.

If he said no, he was afraid of hitting her!

What a dilemma.

Avoiding Xia Mo's gaze, she asked in a low voice, "If your love with him has to go through a long period of ups and downs and pains, are you still willing to start?"

"I like him. Naturally, I'm not afraid of any twists and turns. Even if it's as long as a marathon, I'm not afraid, as long as he can fall in love with me in the end and be with me."

Xia Mo's drunken eyes were full of firmness, which also made her face glow.

"Since this is the case, then I can't say anything more. I just want you to be mentally prepared. Of course, if you want to talk about any pain in your love road in the future, just find me."

Yang Zimei said helplessly.

"Zimei, aren't you a super good physicist? How about you help me make my love line smoother?"

"I can't help you with this. I can only resolve it a little bit when you have a catastrophe. The most important thing is your own thoughts and will."


Xia Mo put his arms around her shoulders, "I have no choice but to bravely challenge fate."

"You can."

Yang Zimei looked at Xia Mo's bright face, compared to Lan Yaya, she was more reassuring, and she felt that she could accept everything.

Actually, she was wrong.

In this world, some people look strong and clear, but actually they are fragile inside.

Some people seem weak and weak, but like grass, once they encounter adversity, they will become unexpectedly strong.

Xia Mo happened to be in the former category.

From childhood to adulthood, Xia Mo suffered too few setbacks. He has a good family background, good looks, good personality, and good studies. He is also strong, but once the real tribulation comes, he will not be able to bear the blow.

Because Lan Yaya is born with yin and yang eyes, she has suffered all kinds of discrimination and blindness since she was a child, and has experienced pain that ordinary people have never experienced. She looks weak and weak on the surface, but she has a great ability to resist setbacks.

(End of this chapter)

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