Chapter 954 Upset (2)

After hanging up the phone, I felt a little guilty about treating my mother so roughly, so I called back the phone again.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't get angry at you just now, but I just happened to encounter some troubles and I was in a bad mood."

Yang Zimei apologized.

"It's okay, Niuniu, what happened to you? Did you argue with your classmates?"

Huang Xiuli asked nervously and concerned.

"No, it's something else. I won't talk about the specifics. As for Huangcun, I'll wait until I settle the current matter. What's more, Mr. Song still needs me to do acupuncture every day, and Xiao Jin and Ye Qing also need to treat on time every day. , also undressed and went to Huangcun, let’s talk about it in a month.”

Yang Zimei said in a calm tone.

"Okay, I'll tell Uncle, you settle your matter first."

"Are Xiao Jin and Ye Qing still used to being at home?"

"Ye Qing and Zixi are having a good time. Xiao Jin is relatively withdrawn, but he still looks very happy. He is more dependent on Ye Qing and your grandma."

"That's good. Thank you for your hard work, mom and grandma. I'm hanging up the phone. I'll talk about it later."

"Well, have fun, and try not to think too much about those unhappy things."

Huang Xiuli warned, and hung up the phone first.

"Are there any troubles at home?"

Xia Mo, who had been listening to her on the phone, asked suspiciously.

"This trouble is nothing."

Yang Zimei shook his head, looked up at the starry sky, stood up and said, "I have to go back and prepare some things now, so I won't play with you to the end."

"Well, looking at you, you are not in the mood to continue playing. You go back first. As the squad leader, I can't withdraw first. I have to stay at the end."

Xia Mo nodded.

"You help me to tell Teacher Qin and the classmates, and I will leave without saying hello."

"Hmm. Drive carefully!"

Xia Mo looked at Yang Zimei with eyes full of encouragement, "No matter what hurdle you encounter, you have to believe that you can always get over it! My friend, I will support you spiritually in the future."

"Thank you."

Yang Zimei hugged Xia Mo emotionally, quietly left the barbecue site, went to the parking lot and prepared to drive back.

But he was stopped by several drunk young men.

"Little sister, you are on time! How about playing with your buddies?"

A young man walked forward with a playful smile, breathing heavily from his mouth.


Yang Zimei said unhappily.

"Hehe, the little girl still has a big temper. It is very beneficial to play with my buddies. You see, that awesome car is mine. I can take you for a ride in that car and let others I envy you."

The young man actually pointed at Yang Zimei's Land Rover and said, "Have you seen the Army B brand? I'm the son of a general, the second generation of the army, and you follow me. You can eat delicious food and drink spicy food. Let you enjoy it non-stop."

Yang Zimei looked at him amusedly, "Well, if you can have the key to open that car."

The young man took out a bunch of motorcycle keys from his trousers and waved them in front of her eyes, "Look, here are the keys. You can go out with our buddies to have fun first, and then I'll take you for a ride in the car and let you be my friend." girlfriend."

"Not interested in!"

Yang Zimei said coldly, "Also, I want to tell you that your key is a motorcycle key, and the Land Rover's key is this."

After speaking, she took out the car key and shook it.

(End of this chapter)

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