Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 970 Sadako's Photo

Chapter 970 Sadako's Photo (1)

When I was young, no matter it was at school or at home, he couldn’t be photographed, and everyone else was clearly visible, but he was a white shadow, which was very weird. Therefore, other people quietly talked about himself behind his back. It's evil or something, guard against him like a thief.

When I grew up, I couldn't take pictures because of the need to take pictures for various documents.

The only way is to find the most talented painter, first draw his big head, and then ask the photographer to take a photo with a camera as a ID photo.

This incident made him very depressed all the time.

Unexpectedly, it can be imaged now.


Yang Zimei pointed to the mahogany plaques on the chests of the two of them in the photo, "Look at this, it's so strange, our mahogany plaques haven't changed just now, but yours is red, and mine is blue."

Long Zhutian was also puzzled, and said to her, "Let's take off the mahogany card and take a look at it."

The two took off the mahogany card, put it aside, and started taking selfies again.

When the photo came out, both of them were actually white.

Yang Zimei took a picture of Long Zhutian alone, and it was also a white shadow.

The photos that Long Zhutian took for her were the same.

However, when they put on the mahogany badges, the result was different. The portraits in the photos were very distinct.

"It turns out that all of this is on this mahogany card."

Yang Zimei touched the mahogany card and suddenly realized, "Only with the mahogany card can we live like human beings."

Long Zhutian nodded.

He made Yang Zimei wear a mahogany card, took pictures of various expressions, and then carefully hid her.

Yang Zimei was not willing to lag behind, and rushed to help him take pictures.

The two of them seemed like children playing with a camera for the first time, and they were excitedly taking a lot of photos.

The sky soon brightened, and the birds in the courtyard began to chirp. Yang Zimei decided to ask Luo Yinghao, a professional photographer, to take pictures.

Luo Yinghao was really dissatisfied with being dragged out of bed early by her, but he didn't dare to complain.

The light in the morning is perfect for taking pictures.

Luo Yinghao is an amateur photographer, and his shooting skills are good. Coupled with the two handsome men and beautiful women, the photos taken in this beautiful courtyard are extremely good.

Zhuge Yue looked at the photos in amazement, "It's a miracle, Long Zhutian, you can actually take pictures. Could it be that there is something wrong with the previous camera, because your light is too dazzling, so it can't take pictures of you?"

Neither Long Zhutian nor Yang Zimei answered his words.

This is a secret between the two of them, and it cannot be told to a third person.

A lot of group photos of the two were taken, Luo Yinghao saw Sadako coming out of the kitchen, so he secretly took a photo, but when he saw the photo, he was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth, "What's going on? How could Sadako be photographed like this?"

Yang Zimei hurriedly grabbed the photo.

The Sadako in the photo is not Sadako, the face actually looks like Yang Zimei, if it wasn't for that maid outfit, I would have thought it was Yang Zimei.

"Sadako and I are clearly similar in spirit, how can this photo be similar in shape?"

Yang Zimei showed the photo to Long Zhutian suspiciously, "What do you think?"

While she was talking, Luo Yinghao secretly took several photos of Zhenzi, and in the end, the faces that were photographed all looked like Yang Zimei.

"Could it be that my camera has a magical effect? ​​Can it intelligently take a picture of the servant as the master?"

Luo Yinghao held the photo and said in an extremely depressed manner.

(End of this chapter)

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