Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 973 Tangled blood contract

Chapter 973 Tangled blood contract (1)

After returning the camera photos to Luo Yinghao and Lan Yaya, Yang Zimei returned to her room. Just as she was about to sit down, there was a knock on the door from Sadako, "Master, I'm coming in."


At this time, Yang Zimei didn't want to be disturbed, but she was curious about what Zhenzi was looking for, so she let her in.

Sadako opened the door and came in. She, who was used to loosening her hair or combing her hair, unexpectedly tied up a high ponytail like Yang Zimei, exuding a youthful atmosphere.


Sadako walked in briskly, "I want to take my photo."

"Sadako, you don't look like me at all, but the photos you took are so, what do you think?"

Yang Zimei picked out those photos of Zhenzi, put them on the table one by one, and asked Zhenzi.

Sadako smiled and took those photos in her hand, looked carefully, "I don't have any opinion, it's only natural that a slave is like a master."


Yang Zimei looked at her, "But, I don't really want you to be like me, I am the unique me, and you are the unique Zhenzi."

"The master is always unique. No matter how much Sadako looks like the master, she will not replace the master. Please rest assured, the master."

Sadako said earnestly.

Hearing this, Yang Zimei's heart sank.

That's right, Sadako looks more and more like herself. In the end, will she be backlashed by her and replaced by her?

And he ended up becoming a living dead?

Thinking of this, a chill rose up, making her goosebumps rise suddenly, and her heart became more and more uneasy.

She only left a photo of Sadako, asked her to take it and leave, and then turned to Xiaoqian's room.

Since the disappearance, Xiaoqian has become lethargic and spends a lot of time sleeping in bed every day.

Yang Zimei came in and pushed him awake.

"Sister, don't you want to accompany Big Brother Zhutian? Why do you still have time to come to my place?" Xiaoqian rubbed her eyes and asked.

"He's back in America again, Xiaoqian, look at this photo—"

Yang Zimei showed Xiaoqian the photo of Zhenzi.

"Sister, when did you wear Sadako's maid uniform? Hehe, it looks a bit like Sadako."

Xiaoqian said with a smile.

"Xiao Qian—"

Yang Zimei's expression was solemn, "This is not my photo, but Sadako's photo. Luo Yinghao took a photo of Sadako just now. After taking the photo, he found that he looks like me. This is simply too weird."


Xiaoqian looked at the photo carefully and nodded, "That's right, your forehead is a little cinnabar red. This photo doesn't have it. What's the matter? How can her photo look like you? Sadako is more beautiful than you."

Yang Zimei rolled his eyes at him, and then said depressedly, "Xiaoqian, I'm afraid she will devour the Lord in the end and replace me, and I will become a living dead without thinking."

When Xiaoqian heard this, she withdrew the laughter just now, and her immature face became serious, "Your worry is not unreasonable. A weird existence like Sadako is very insecure."

"Xiaoqian, I really want to terminate the contract with her, and I don't want her to be with me anymore. Think about it, what kind of spell can there be?"

Yang Zimei knew that although Xiaoqian had lost her previous memories, she seemed to have some kind of special ability, and she was also familiar with many magical spells, such as invisibility.

"I tried to think about it. However, in my understanding, once a blood contract is signed, it can never be lifted."

Xiaoqian frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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