Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 980: People from the Capital City

Chapter 980: People from the Capital City (5)

Seeing her coming, Huang Xiuli hurriedly said as if she had been pardoned, "Niu Niu, you say hello to Grandpa, I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

Yang Zimei nodded.

Huang Xiuli hurried out.

The atmosphere in the hall just now made her dare not make a sound, fearing that she would be roared by the majestic Zeng Zhenlong.

"Grandpa, have some tea."

Yang Zimei made another cup of tea for Zeng Zhenlong.

Where is Zeng Zhenlong in the mood to drink tea?

He fixedly looked at Yang Zimei, who was somewhat similar to his daughter when he was young, trying to find traces of his beloved daughter in her body.

"Girl, what's your name?"

After a long time, Zeng Zhenlong asked aloud, although his tone was still that kind of non-angry and powerful, it was a little softer.

"Back to grandpa, my name is Yang Zimei, and everyone in my family calls me Niuniu."

Yang Zimei answered neatly.

"It turns out that you are the Niu Niu that Tianhua said. I heard from Tianhua that you are very good and have profound attainments in many aspects."

Zeng Zhenlong nodded.

"Hehe, that's uncle's praise. In fact, I don't know anything."

Yang Zimei replied modestly.

Now she finally understands why the great-grandfather was able to find this place. It turned out that the uncle did not abide by the agreement and quietly told the capital.

"Well, you and Xiaohui used to be very similar. Xiaohui was also very smart and agile when she was a child. She could learn everything easily, but there were no popular girls going to school at that time, so she could only recognize a few words."

Zeng Zhenlong seemed very satisfied with Yang Zimei's modesty, nodded and said.

Yang Zimei smiled.

"Grandpa sees that you have a high status in the family. Everyone should listen to you. Why don't you persuade Xiaohui to move to the capital together, but except for your grandfather, I can't let this happen." A son-in-law is disgraceful."

Zeng Zhenlong looked at her and said.

Hearing this, Yang Zimei felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Grandpa is indeed embarrassing, but it is impossible for everyone to abandon him here alone.

"Grandpa, grandma is no longer the rich lady in the capital. If you let her live in the capital like this again, she may not be used to it. Besides, no matter what, her current husband is my grandfather after all."

Yang Zimei knew that with grandma's current temperament, it was impossible to move to the capital. She was used to everything here, and she didn't want to face the gossip and gossip of those former acquaintances in the capital.


Zeng Zhenlong was silent for a while.

What Yang Zimei said was not without reason.

It should be impossible for my daughter to be willing to return to the capital to face those complicated interpersonal relationships. Perhaps, letting her live here simply is good for her, even her husband. It was too unpleasant, why did my daughter run so far that day to marry such a person?

He regretted more and more that he was furious when he learned that his daughter was pregnant out of wedlock and did some indecent things. In a moment of anger, he slapped her across the face and drove her out of the house.

He originally thought that she would come back soon to admit her mistake, and then send her abroad to induce labor, avoid the limelight for a while, and come back when everyone gradually forgot about it.

Who knows, after she was kicked out of the house by herself, she never came back.

He anxiously sent people to search the entire capital and surrounding areas, but they couldn't find her.

He even sent missing person notices all over the country, but there is still no news.

I thought she couldn't think about it for a while, and hid in some remote corner and committed suicide.

The couple were sad for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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