Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 989: Ancient Tomb Figurines

Chapter 989: Ancient Tomb Figurines (3)

After Xia Mo left, Yang Zimei couldn't feel at ease. She kept thinking about the living figurines from the ancient tombs, and finally decided to take a look to see what happened to those twelve living figurines. Is it the hollowness of the mahogany card.

As soon as she thought this way, she couldn't sit still immediately, and went to say hello to Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian hates that she is still a baby and cannot go on an adventure with her.

However, he asked Yang Zimei to take Lianyi to take care of each other.

Ripple has the sensitivity of a spirit beast, which is unmatched by humans.

Yang Zimei also wanted to have another companion, so that he could discuss things, otherwise, entering that gloomy ancient tomb alone would be more or less uncomfortable.

There is no moonlight tonight, and the sky is gray. It is really a dark and windy night.

In order to deceive others, Yang Zimei only drove to a stop about one kilometer away from the ancient tomb, and then walked away with Lianyi.

She was wearing a black exercise suit, her hair was tied up and put in a hood, so as not to get dirty when entering the ancient tomb.

Under the dark night, she was like a black ghost, moving quickly in the wilderness, followed by a group of small silver-white figures, whose movements were also as fast as lightning.

Finally came to the ancient tomb.

A no-go line was pulled around, and several guards were patrolling in every direction.

However, these guards looked slack, either smoking and chatting, or dozing off, and some even played cards in groups of four.

"Tell me, will those living figurines in the ancient tomb suddenly come back to life?"

A guard with a cigarette in his mouth threw out a card and shouted, "Which one of you went down to see it?"

"We're not experts. Who dares to go down and look at those things? Anyway, it's very unlucky tonight. You can lie comfortably at home and sleep with your wife, but now you have to guard the cemetery. There is no one on it. You are really being bullied."

The other muttered disapprovingly.

"Yeah, what's there to guard? No funerary objects were dug up inside, only the twelve living figurines. Is it worth asking dozens of people to come here and stay up all night? I don't believe it. Who else would dare to come here?" This place is ruined."

"Maybe there will be grave robbers."

"I heard that the living figurines are very profitable, just like the female corpse in Mawangdui, Changsha, which is of great research significance. What's more, the living figurines here are different from that female corpse. I heard that there are no spices. Just like that Standing there alive, experts say it is a peerless miracle. If this thing is known to foreigners, it should be very valuable. Last time I read the news that some foreigners went to the snowy mountains to steal those corpses hidden in the snow to buy. Tools can buy millions."

"Damn, corpses make so much money? No wonder they have to be so protected! This time we found this in the city, and those people in the government can have some more achievements."

"I don't know whether the government has made political achievements or not. Anyway, our city A will soon become famous for this. The whole country will pay attention to this place, and it will attract a large number of curious tourists and explorers. For our city A There's definitely a certain boost to the economy."

"You bastard, as far as you are looking, hurry up and play your cards!"

Yang Zimei looked at these lazy guards, and was about to cast the invisibility spell, when he suddenly saw a nimble and vigorous black figure, quietly dodged the guards' eyeliner from the other side, entered the excavated center, and then disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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