Mad Queen

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007


The teacup sank down on the table, Gu Ziwan raised her lips evilly.

"Single Left Envoy..."

"Miss Gu..." Shan Qilong had an inexplicably ominous premonition.

"Why don't we change the agreement..."


"You brought me back to the door of life!! And after my work is completed, I will give you and your family freedom for the rest of your life...and the endless glory and wealth that you can enjoy in your life!!"

The pupils of the solo dragon suddenly shrank——

The condition Gu Ziwan gave him before was to spare his family! !

But now, he was actually released together.

This shows that she is very concerned about this matter.

"Of course, this is an agreement after my success..."

Gu Ziwan tilted her head slightly, the coldness in her eyes remained.

"Before that, if something goes wrong, you and your family will be buried with me and the entire Gu family!!"


resurrection door.

In the night, two figures galloped up the mountain, one behind the other.

"Who is it?!"

In the originally silent mountain forest, there was a shout.

Before the two could get a firm foothold, they were stopped by dozens of long swords.

"Things that don't have long eyes don't even recognize this Zuoshi?!"

"Yo... it's a single left envoy!!"

The first person hurriedly laughed and waved to the people behind him.

"I took it, I took it all, it's my own..."

Shan Qilong looked around and frowned: "What's going on? Why are there so many people today?! I remember that the original guards of the mountain gate were only ten people, how did this increase several times?!"

Gu Ziwan, who was behind him, looked around without a trace!
Riding a dragon alone only saw 40 or 100 people on the surface, but he didn't see more than [-] people dormant in the bushes behind the trees.

With such a formation, they are definitely waiting in full force, as if they are waiting for someone! !
"Shan Zuoshi, are you joking?! We who watch the gate, how can we know what it means? This is a sudden increase in manpower. We don't know why, and no one dares to ask..."

The guard suddenly approached and lowered his voice.

"We reckon that something big is going to happen!!"

He pointed to the surroundings: "There are quite a few brothers in ambushes around here..."

Shan Qilong glanced at Gu Ziwan unconsciously, she immediately lowered her head, pretending not to know.

At this time, she is just a little follower, what to see her do? !

After a glance, the guard also spotted Gu Ziwan, and immediately frowned: "Eh... this little brother looks very strange, why have he never seen it before?!"

"She's my new disciple, so you guys haven't seen her before... that's all, go ahead, I'll go in first and see what's going on!!"

Bypassing the guards, the two went up the mountain all the way, and met many guards of the resurrection gate patrolling around.

They shuttled by, and they could meet a team in basically 5 minutes.

Such a high density of mountain patrols made Gu Ziwan full of doubts.

"Shan Zuoshi, your Resurrection Gate...have you always been on such alert?!"

"Of course not..." Shan Zuoshi also sensed something was wrong, and frowned: "The disciples of the Resurrection Gate are basically performing tasks outside. Even if the gate is guarded, there are not many guards!!"

For a killer organization, any killer is a bodyguard, so there is no need to be on duty too frequently! !

Now such a high-density shuttle alternates, a fool can see that something is wrong! !
(End of this chapter)

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