Mad Queen

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009
"Okay, I'm afraid of you!! Then let's see who is the final winner!!"

"no problem!!"

"It's boring for the two of us to play, why don't we find everyone to play together!?"



The two left while thinking about it.

Gu Ziwan turned out of the big tree and stood there speechless——

"Ghost...worshiping the mountain?? Your uncle, who is wearing my name?!"

This person is also very interesting!
You said that if you don't like the resurrection gate, you can clean them up yourself?

Why do you have to drag her into the water? !

Anyone who can trouble the resurrection gate and dare to kick the mountain is a bit capable!

Since she is capable, why pull her back? !
Interested? !
Even if the Resurrection Gate is killed at this time, it will only be her ghost who will become famous in the world, and it will not be that person's turn to show off his might! !

A dull whining horn sounded from down the mountain, and the entire Resurrection Gate seemed to explode in an instant, and all kinds of chirping sounds rushed towards the mountain gate.


Gu Ziwan's eyes lit up, and she flew away immediately.

Before he got close to the mountain gate, he heard screams from over there.


Amidst the screams, the two figures flew up into the sky, and then fell heavily like a dead fish.

Before they landed, dozens of figures were thrown into the sky.

Gu Ziwan jumped onto a big tree and looked over.

At the mountain gate, a man dressed in black was approaching step by step, holding a black iron rod in his hand.

With the flying of the iron rod, all the people around who were killed were picked up and flew away.

The ones that didn't fly were not much better, crying and wailing behind the man in black, lying on the ground and screaming.

Looking from afar, one could see the disciples of the Resurrection Sect lying down all the way from the mountain gate to the man in black.

"this person……"

Gu Ziwan looked at the man quietly, her eyebrows frowned.

She didn't know what was going on, although the man was covered with a black scarf and couldn't see his face clearly, but her intuition told him that he should have seen this man somewhere.

But after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't remember the specifics.

It seemed that the name was lingering on the edge of her mind, and it only took a second for the name to pop up, but it just couldn't.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Ziwan simply gave up.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the result is that the Resurrection Gate suffers is enough!
Whether he is a real ghost or an imposter.

The result is the most important thing! !

"Stop him...stop it!!"

"There is an order from above that anyone who trespasses the mountain gate will be killed!!"

"Go up..."

"kill him……"


The disciples of the Resurrection Gate were very excited, sending themselves up like moths to the flame.

They all thought that they would be the ones who did meritorious service, but they were abused without exception.

The number of fallen disciples of the Resurrection Gate was rapidly adding up, and the new ones who came up were brutally tortured without exception.

Out of the middle gate, a group of people came galloping.

The leader, dressed in white, was very eye-catching among the resurrected disciples dressed in black.

He is not very old, with a delicate and gentle appearance. He looks a little girly at first glance, completely different from the rough guys around him who seem to be resurrected disciples.

Among the group of people brought behind him, Gu Ziwan saw a familiar figure.

"Fang Youshi..."

Judging from Fang Youshi's position, he was a little behind. It seemed that the status of this man in white was not low.

Gu Ziwan's eyes suddenly lit up: "He...could be the master of the Resurrection Sect?!"

(End of this chapter)

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