Mad Queen

Chapter 1015 Who

Chapter 1015 Who
Gu Ziwan→_→

She said it casually, trying to scare him, but he actually responded seriously.

"Miss Gu, think about it. This ghost appeared suddenly. Before this, there has never been any news of this person in the world, and she has always been a dragon who never sees her head but never sees her tail..."

The corner of Gu Ziwan's mouth twitched: "Didn't I let you see the trace this time..."

"What I mean is, this person is mysterious, like a ghost... comes and goes without a trace..."

Gu Ziwan couldn't help rolling her eyes, and turned to look down the mountain: "It doesn't matter whether he looks like a ghost... What matters is that we hurry up and get out of here!! Otherwise, when others hear the news and come, they will Think of us as murderers!!"

She doesn't want to be caught and think she is a ghost! !
"Shall we...shall I go too?!" Although Shan Qilong asked back, he still followed.

Although Gu Ziwan was not responsible for the matter of the Resurrection Gate, it turned out that their agreement had been fulfilled.

"Miss Gu, you understand this matter, I..."

"I will give you a sum of money, enough for you and your family to spend the rest of your life safely, but you should know what to say and what not to say?!"

"I know... Don't worry, I have never seen you alone, and I don't know you at all!!"

The purpose of riding a dragon alone as a killer is to make more money.

Now that I have money, why would I want to get involved in these right and wrong grievances again? Of course, I will sit in the farmhouse with my beautiful wife and enjoy my life!


Gu Ziwan guessed right!

After the Resurrection Sect incident, Ghost's reputation in Jianghu has been pushed to the highest level, shoulder to shoulder with the heads of all major sects.

For a time, news about the ghost's life experience was flying all over the sky, and there were different opinions.

Some people say that the ghost is a young talent who came out of a certain family to experience it!
Some people said that the head of the sect changed his identity in order to avoid gossip.

Others say that ghosts are evil spirits from the underworld, which exist only for bloodthirsty massacres.

According to various theories, the real master, Ghost, has returned to Kyoto.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, he received an invitation letter from the Prince's Mansion before his butt was hot.

"Second Miss, Your Highness the Crown Prince invites you to have dinner in the evening..."

"No! Lonely men and widows, avoid seeing each other at night!!" Gu Ziwan refused without thinking.

It's not safe to be with that guy during the day, let alone at night.

"Xiao Zhui, I'm going to take a bath and sleep first. Unless the sky is falling, don't bother me with anything... Including don't call me tomorrow morning. I'm going to sleep until I wake up naturally..."

Although in the Resurrection Gate, she joined in the excitement and watched a play, but she is still tired!
These days, she thought about that "ghost" again and again, trying to find the feeling in her heart, but she couldn't find it.

After soaking comfortably in the petal bath, Gu Ziwan threw herself onto the bed and fell asleep under the blanket.

Xiao Zhui closed the door and stayed in the outer room to protect her.

The night wind hit, and the windows rattled, making it clearer in the night.


Xiao Zhuiyou opened her eyes, her eyes shifted, she turned over and sat up suddenly, looking at Gu Ziwan's bedroom vigilantly.


In the inner room, the corner of a purple dress flashed past and avoided the screen.


Xiao Zhui lowered his voice, flew up, and grabbed the figure behind the screen with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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