Mad Queen

Chapter 104 Begins in the future and ends in the past

Chapter 104 Begins in the future and ends in the past

"Since when?? This question is strange!!"

Fallen Dao laughed and laughed, but seriously took advantage of the sand table.

Looking at the ghostly symbols that appeared on the sand table, Quan Yuan felt inexplicably nervous.

It wasn't until he stopped and slowly opened his eyes that he said nervously, "How is it?!"

Fallen Dao lowered his head to look at the sand table, but his brows were suddenly frowned at that moment, and he gasped.

Quan Yuan was taken aback by his expression: "Fallen Master, what's wrong?? Is there something bad?"


Fallen Dao hesitated to speak, and finally slowly raised his head to look at him with complicated eyes.

Quan Yuan's heart was numb from being watched, and he had a mournful face: "Fallen Master, what's the matter, you're telling me...I...what's wrong with me?"

After pondering for a long time, Luo Dao let out a long sigh and frowned.

"'s this gatha...I don't understand..."

Quan Yuan: "..."

What is so difficult about this sandbox?

Even the fallen celestial master couldn't solve it.

The appearance of falling into the Tao made Quan Yuan feel even more uncertain: "Master Fallen, just say what you have, I... I can bear it!!"

"It says...beginning in the future and ending in the past..."

"What does it mean??"

"It means... your fate begins in the future and ends in... the past!!" Fallen Dao also had an unpredictable expression on his face.

Quan Yuan: "..."

He looked down at the sand table, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

What kind of verse is this? !

"Fallen Master... Did you get it upside down?? It should start in the past and end in the future, right?!"

This concept is understandable and within normal logic.

This explains why Gu Ziwan said that they have known each other for a long time, and they have known each other in their previous lives!
"No!!" Fallen Dao shook his head heavily: "The meaning above is that it starts in the future and ends in the past!!"

Frowning, he was a little upset.

"What? Are you questioning my ability?"

"No, no!!" Quan Yuan waved his hands quickly, but his face was bitter.

This unpredictable and profound gatha cannot be explained!

"I don't understand the specifics, but the gatha is the the way, why do you ask about the relationship between you and her, when did you Do you know something? "Falling Dao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No, no, no!!" Quan Yuan waved his hands quickly, and smiled coquettishly: "I didn't mean anything else, I just said it casually... Then what, Fallen Heavenly Master, you are busy, I will leave first, so I won't bother you !"

Before he could speak again, he pushed the door and walked out impatiently.

In the room, Falling Dao's eyes were heavy, and he stroked the sand table with his palm, feeling the information from above.

"Beginning in the future...finally...the past!! The past...why the past..."

"Tch, don't you understand?!"

A young child's voice suddenly came out from the depths of the room, sharp and clear.

Fallen Dao suddenly turned his head and looked at a painting on the wall.

"You know what that means?"

On the scroll, there is a picture of a chubby child driving a group of big white geese.

The little boy was only wearing a red toot, with red lips and white teeth. He was cute and cute.

Hearing Fallen Dao's question, the little boy's frozen body suddenly moved, waving the willow stick in his hand unhappily.

"The literal meaning, don't you understand? The relationship between them begins in the future and ends in the past... This sentence means that they met in the previous life!!"

(End of this chapter)

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