Mad Queen

Chapter 1048

Chapter 1048

Having said that, Jiang Zhongcheng felt that this reason was very good, and it also made sense, and his breath was full again at the moment.

"That's right! It must be because you were inconvenient to do it at that time, so you needed a secluded place. It just happened that Tang Master Mo locked you in the punishment hall, so you pushed the boat along the way, and that's how the following happened..."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Li Da quickly echoed, wiping the cold sweat off his brow: "It's you who want to avoid people's eyes and ears, so you follow the boat into the punishment hall with me, so that you can strike with peace of mind!"

"Ha ha……"

Gu Ziwan suddenly burst out laughing, and Li Da's words after the laugh were stopped abruptly.

"You... what are you laughing at?!"

"Do you think that if I kill a person... I have to pick a date, choose a place with a good geomantic omen, and then bathe and change clothes, burn incense and pray?!"

Her eyes darkened sharply, and the cruelty came out lightly.

"I kill people, I want to kill, I don't need to avoid anyone's eyes and ears, as long as this person threatens my safety..."

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Zhongcheng also laughed out loud, a few decibels higher than Gu Ziwan's, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Wanzi, what are you bragging about?! Even if you are the emperor, you can't just kill people if you want to, you have to have a reason?! You have clearly wanted to kill the horns to be calm, but because of The purple-clothed disciples on patrol, that's why they didn't attack... and Hall Master Mo's appearance hit your target, so he was used..."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Li Da echoed directly from one side.

With sharp eyes, Gu Ziwan squinted at Ji Yunsheng.

"Dean, do you also think that if I want to kill someone, I also want to avoid other people's eyes?!"

Ji Yunsheng has always heard about what she did in the capital, and he knows that she is not a person who keeps her own law.

In front of the emperor, even if she dared to kill people, how could she care about how many people in their Doulong Academy? !
But under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't agree with it, so he could only laugh and talk about him.

"This is killing people... Great Elder, what do you think?!"

Great Elder→_→

Dean, I won't take you like this! !

If you are dragged into a pit, you can die by yourself!
Why drag him to die together? !
Although I don't know what Gu Ziwan's real identity is, but it must be a passable friendship who can ask the prince to write a letter of recommendation.

If he said something bad about her, would he still be good in the future? !
Immediately, he winked at the other three elders——

"This kind of thing is actually a matter of fact, right..."

The other three elders -_-|||
You are a jerk! !

The three of them had already seen that Ji Yunsheng was flirting with the Great Elder, but they didn't know what charades they were playing.

In order not to spoil the good things of the two, the three of them kept pretending to be deaf and dumb, without saying a word.

Now being asked by the Great Elder out of the blue, the three of them instantly had a black line on their foreheads——

right what is it !
They are still at a loss!

I don't even know what happened, how can I be with you? ?

How do they know whether it is "should be" or "should not be"? !

It's just that from the eager eyes of the First Elder, the Second Elder can only accept the move——

"What the dean and the great elder said is..."

Everyone ⊙﹏⊙b Khan

What did these two people say?

Are they in a trance, did not hear, or missed some wonderful show? 1
Su Chong in the audience was at a loss: "Gu Yan, why do I feel that the dean and the four elders... are a little weird?!"

(End of this chapter)

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